Hello all, I am looking for guild that is on the entry level for mythic raiding, but consistently able to obtain AOTC and if possible has open spots for M+ groups pushing keys. I have not been able to commit to a guild for a while due to college requirements and family requirements, but I now have time available as I’m graduating this semester and enter into a steady job with steady hours. I have cleared AOTC this last expansion just by pugging it as a Pres Evoker in season 2, I was also able to obtain KSM. Sadly after that I had to take a break to focus on school. I have yet to choose my main, but I know I will be healing and I have narrowed it down to these 3 in order or preference, Holy Paladin, Mistweaver Monk, Resto Shaman, and finally disc/holy priest (Disc preferred, but its not looking good for them ATM). I’m waiting till we get a bit closer and blizz finalizes things on beta bit more to choose a main and then an alt main. If any guilds of the same mindset and progression are interested please hit me up @ Gadgitz#11559