Returning AOTC+ player LF latenight guild

Longtime AOTC+ level player returning to the game looking for a guild. Got 4M in S3 and took a break in the early spring.

Recent DF XP: S1 AOTC, S2 AOTC, S3 4M

All classes at max level, pref to play BM hunter, feral/resto druid, shadow priest or ret paladin.
Looking for late night raiding/keys after 8:30pm PST
I’m online quite often during the day and weekends but due to family commitments can’t really buckle down until after kid is in bed.
Happy to provide logs and chat to see if we’d be a good fit!

BNET: bresei#1157
Disc: heyitsbresei

Hello There Bresei!

Hopefully we are somewhat late for you!

We are Gamer Down, a new guild formed during S3 of Dragonflight.

Our current progression is 2/8M, 3/9M, and 4/9M in the awakened raids. We are looking to add more players to our mythic roster for s4 and The War Within to push for CE. We also have a ton of m+'ers who love to push keys late into the night!

Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 10pm - 1am EST

Message our Raid Leader to Apply:
Discord: aartlay
Bnet: <Aartlay#1235>

Reach out with any questions
Discord: baconic
Bnet: <Baconator#11729>

You can view our full post here: