Returning Anniversary Pets

Looks like the upcoming 20th anniversary will give people a chance that missed out on them the first time a way to collect some long gone pets. :smiley:


This will be nice. I’ve seen several strats that I can’t use because I don’t have a Molten Corgi and assumed he was gone for good.

But when is the anniversary event? The article doesn’t say.

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Sometime in November.

The word is obviously getting out. A week ago hard to find a Hatespark the Tiny on the AH for anything under 600k. Seeing them for 275k now.

The other pets are non-cageable. Nice to make them available again I suppose, but sort of a slight to the loyalists who have stuck with Warcraft for all these years.

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It’s all of November and December. It’s the 11.0.5 patch in and of itself.

Ditto. I was in my senior year of university at the time and had absolutely no free time to play. I didn’t even use battle pets at the time, but I have lamented that I don’t have one. I was SO EXCITED to see that we’ll get a chance to have him again.

The Molten Corgi has been exclusive for literally a decade. I don’t think it’s a slight to bring him back around any more than it was a slight for them to allow old raids to become solo-farmable legacy content for transmogs that active players had to spend weeks and months raiding to earn.

Things can be exclusive for a season, but in the end, it’s a video game, and allowing people to revisit old content they missed is a good thing. For crying out loud, I’m not disloyal for missing an expansion in the middle of 19 solid years of playing WoW. I had a senior thesis to write and a middle schooler with a busy schedule to raise. I missed the Molten Corgi anniversary login.

I have “stuck with” Blizzard since October of 2005, so that’s frankly an offensive way to frame the argument.

I was one of the very first people to earn “What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been.” We had those 310% mounts after a literal calendar year of never missing a single holiday achievement. It took a solid year of constant vigilance and silly quest achievements, some of which were on a tight schedule. Those mounts only stayed exclusive to the end of Wrath. The very day Cataclysm launched, people could buy 310% speed on ANY flying mount with gold.

So…I think a little perspective on an anniversary pet people got simply for logging in during October of 2014 and enjoyed exclusivity with for a solid decade is in order.

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Can we finally have more than 1 of those pets? Think I still have a few in my bank waiting for the day…