Returning and would like to start fresh

Hello, I am interested in returning to World of Warcraft and would like to start anew with my family. However, I have noticed that many servers are either very quiet or filled with spam.

Could you kindly recommend a server that has a lively main city hub, where players engage in meaningful conversations beyond just gold selling? Any suggestions for active communities or guilds would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your assistance.

They created a new trade services channel specifically for selling runs and such for gold. It’s incredibly spammy on decent size realms, and unless you are in the market to buy such a run, you can cut down on much if the spam by turning it off or moving it to it’s own tab.

As for realms, I mostly play on Thrall. It’s a big server, but smaller than mega servers, so it feels more chill. It’s very Horde dominated though, so not a great choice for Alliance.

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