Returning and Anxiety Deciding

Hello all,

I used to play and raid in MoP to Legion. I am now returning today, yet experiencing anxiety even deciding which character to play.

I played a prot warrior, frost mage, and guardian druid.

I was probably the best tank with a pro warrior but was lacking the utility.
I enjoyed playing frost mage but I was having problems getting my DPS up, yet enjoy the flavor and utility of frost mage so much. I hated not being able to have my pet, since it was one of my favorite things (could slip with it and aggro the wrong thing, etc). I have a warlock and hunter for pets too, but didn’t enjoy those as much as mage.
Guardian druid I wasn’t the best tank (was just doing PvE leveling and stuff in Legion) but I really enjoyed the utility. Staring at a bear butt got a little old though, but I love the flavor and claws.

I’m not going to be able to raid like I used to (or would prefer not to devote multiple nights a week to raiding anyway).

Hoping folks can give me feedback on the game now, returning, and perhaps your opinions on the 3 classes mentioned.

Just having a big anxiety bomb in my head to get started. Halp!

If you’re not planning to do any extreme high end content, it really just boils down to what appeals to you the most.

When you log on, which one do you gravitate toward logging into first? With the amount of anxiety you’re already experiencing, is tanking something that you feel would be good for you moving forward? Or do you want the additional challenge of leadership that tanking over DPS requires? These aren’t really things that we can answer for you unfortunately.


Thanks for the reply and things to consider.

I never raided Mythic even when I played all the time and raided. Good point, I’m not aiming for or desiring Mythic top-tier raiding, so as you said I should probably not focus too much on which is “best”.

I do like Guardian Druid, after looking into the classes and stuff more (icyveins and youtube videos on playing different classes). I used to like tanking though it was really rough sometimes and hated random dungeons/raids, remember people being jerks.

I do like the tank portion of not having issues getting dungeons. I used to play disc priest and resto druid in MoP raiding, know heals also has the same benefits.

Good things to think about.

I don’t mind leading if I know what I’m leading. Suppose I mainly have an ignorance issue right now and working to solve it.

So, probably Resto Druid or Guardian Druid at this time, leading towards Guardian.

The druid would probably be a good overall pick if that’s what you’re leaning toward. With it having healing, tank, range, and melee dps specs, you’ll be able to swap around easily enough without investing a bunch of time in a new character should you decide you’re not enjoying one role over another.

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I haven’t played her in dungeons yet, but at 52 my Frost Mage can handle lvl 60 mobs. Regardless of the DPS charts, they’re not in a bad place right now.

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Thanks for that feedback. Will be sure to check it out, too.

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Frost mages are middle of the pack for Shadowlands dungeons but pretty strong solo quester. Fair mobility and crowd control, good slowing, and freezing in place abilities.
Rotation relies on random procs that some don’t care for but the procs tend to happen often enough.

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Enjoying doing the Shadowlands questing and story as a Frost Mage right now. It is all coming back to me.

As much as LFR/LFD sucks as DPS, that’s a future problem. Enjoying playing now. Will probably get bear butt leveled after the mage and maybe Blood DK, too.

Thanks for the responses folks, it helps as a returning player.