Jan 2023 Edit: Despite this being an “old post” I am back looking for a new guild / realm to call home. I’ve played since the olden days of Molten Core and angry Illidan. I can tank, heal and / or dps whatever may be needed. I just want a great teamwork atmosphere, people to run keys with, people that are friendly and helpful too. I also don’t mind PvP so if the guild raids and does PvP it’s a plus. Also RP realms don’t bother me as I’ve played on them before also. Thank you all for your time.
Hey! I’d love to talk to you about my guild! Message me on discord! Legerity#6788
If youre looking for a CE guild - you get 100+ wipes for the last 2-3 bosses a tier btw
15 posts
60 Zandalari Troll Druid 14965
“If youre looking for a CE guild - you get 100+ wipes for the last 2-3 bosses a tier btw”
I understand that, but when I say wipe 100 times on a boss I mean people wiping on a NORMAL raid tier boss because people were standing in DoTs / fire and REFUSED to move and “demanded” to be healed through it because they didn’t want to do mechanics. The GM / RL refused to reprimand them or have them be more of a team player because they were “old pals” so the whole guild suffered. That’s when I decided enough was enough and went elsewhere to find progressive raiding because I knew 1 month later they would still be standing in fire. Sure enough 1 month later they had only killed 2 / ? bosses in that raid tier on normal.
It was…a travesty at best.
PS: I have NO idea how to “quote” things on this Bnet forums system now. >.< My apologies. If someone wants to share how I would appreciate it very much. XD
I THINK I figured out how to quote things now? I’ll send you a FR on Discord now.
Alliance but we could be a perfect fight(fit)! Sound exactly what we’re looking for.
We are New and small but already formed quick. We need 2 tanks, 1 heal - 1 off heal to be solid.
Tylown#1117 if you would like to chat!
Guild - Stormrage
Sick of logging in and waiting 2-3 hours in group finder to do something relevant? Well I am!
I personally like logging into WoW with the goal of doing certain content and doing it. That’s why I’ve made this community.
Looking for chill players of any content to come together and do that content. An enjoyable place to play your class(&spec)
(Current active hours 5-9 CST M-F | Daily Weekends)
Mythic Plus
- Preferably if your goal is to do 15+ spam!
- Will always be willing to help others in down time and looking for the same
Heroic Raiding (9.1) Tues > Wed: 7 - 10 CST
Lives are a thing and raids are a large time commitment, as a Mythic raider in Legion I understand.
- Looking to create a fun environment to push ourselves (FOR THE PARSE!) and achieve AOTC.
- Once progression is done we can farm just Tues OR/AND attempt Mythic when it’s cross server Wed
- Will be looking for a raid lead!
- RBG would be great as it’s smaller casual content that is competitive
- Arena pushing individuals who hate sitting in a LFG for 1 game just to quit. Form a bond and push!
- Never hurts to help others learn in and outs! Some people are 1 tip away from that next rank!
Other cause who knows! Some weird and world event type stuff happens when a bunch of people get together to have fun.
Log on, play, progress, no wait. All are welcome. Willing to guide and gear when free.
Take note this is new so growth over time!
Did you mean fit, or you wanna fight?
lul xD yes fit. Was on mobile and too quick for my own good.
Duel perhaps…
Hello Adoniah,
Vengeful is in need of more Heroic Raid minded ladies and gentlemen to join our Shadowlands Raid team. Stormrage - Alliance.
We are currently looking for all Dps classes
About Us:
Many of us have previous hardcore progression and Mythic raiding experience from various raid tiers or expansions. While currently working through Normal/Heroic content we have plans to try to go to Mythic if we solidify the core 20 people.
The pertinent information:
We are on Stormrage (Server Transfer is not immediately required)We are 10/10 N 5/10 H. We raid Thursday,Friday,Saturday: Pulling at 7:00 p.m. Est and going until (the latest) 10 p.m. EST. Additional We use Discord. If you need to leave early due to Real Life than that is fine or if you cannot make it to raid please let one of the Officers/GM know.
What we offer:
Enchants, gems, food, flasks and pots can be created by our Master Craftsmen, often for just the materials. We provide Flasks and Feasts, we will expect you to have enchants, gems, pots, seals and augment runes before we begin the raid. We are helpful and constructive - if you need something we can get it or help you get it. We love innovation, we love pushing the limits, we love working together as a team. We are fun and quirky, sometimes we have to be serious but we are always working to improve and most importantly we are here to have fun.
What we want from you:
Being able to raid 3 days a week for 3 hours a day, preferably Thurs/Friday/Saturday 7pm - 10:00pm Server (ET). Your best, fully optimized, best stats ever DPS set cannot be below 195 gear score (ilevel). Be on time, be prepared, have current knowledge of your class and of the boss encounters. Understand directions and be able to carry out assignments. Have previous raid or mythic + dungeon experience and/or you can play at a competent and competitive level. Be able to take constructive and friendly criticism to improve and play better. Be able to maintain a mature demeanor during raids while having a sense of humor during stressful situations ex, Wipes, loot distribution, disconnects.
We are experienced raiders who like to clear content and have fun. We all have full lives outside of the game and looking for more of the same minded folks to join our Team. We understand life happens and being part of a team that won’t drop you is very important.
You can reach me in Discord at Night#5956
You can also add me on Battlenet: NightKnight#1159389
Thanks for reading and your time,
The Alliance are after me now? D:
I am looking to add a keeper to the group…you sound like a good fit…check us out!
hey there, I run a semi-casual horde guild on Illidan. We are a 10/10 H, and plan to push into Mythic, but aren’t CE focused. at this point we are mostly looking forward to 9.1 and not focused as much on Nathria. My discord is YaBoiBangz#9359 if you are interested in chatting
Hey Adoniah! Yes, we are coming for you!
If you’re still looking I’d love to chat with you on discord, add me at Letholas#9581
Hey there,
We’ve got a friendly casual guild on Zul’jin that is AoTC focused. We raid Fridays and Saturdays from 8p to 11p EST, as most members are professionals that adult throughout the week lol. Below is my copy/paste:
Hello! Transparency [H] is a newly formed social casual guild on Zul’jin that is AoTC focused. We are a group of laid-back adults who love to run mythic+, raid casually and would like to focus on achieving AoTC. We are now 10/10N, 7/10H, with a few members also mythic raiding.
We’re looking to expand our roster with like-minded individuals. Our raid environment is relaxed and fun, but we also try to focus on efficiency as most of us are working professionals IRL so we understand game/work/life balance.
Guildie Expectations:
Willingness to participate in a community that you can look forward to being a part of through leveling, questing, mythic+ pushes, and other enjoyable events.
Maintaining a positive, friendly and productive atmosphere. We have a zero-tolerance policy on drama, toxicity and elitism.
Raider Expectations:
Consistency and Reliability - Raiders should be online, prepared and 100% present for raid invites 15 minutes prior to raid start.
Growth Mindset - Our ideal raider learns from mistakes and wants to improve. No rage quits
We provide all flasks and feasts during raid and cover gear repair costs at time of raids. We ask our raid members to donate as much as they can to the guild bank to help offset costs.
What you will get from us:
A fun and positive atmosphere - Friendly banter and players helping push each other to be the best they can.
A solid environment of progression.
Active Discord.
A safe space for LGBTQIA+, female gamers, and BIPOC.
Raid Times:
Friday 8:00 - 11:00 Est
Saturday 8:00 - 11:00 Est
If you are interested in joining us please feel free to contact our recruitment officer: purian#2731 (disc); or me: misugrrl#4449 (disc) or misu#1715 (bnet).
Not sure how I can contact you?
Do you have good roasted meats, veggies and do PvP though?
Alright I’ll send you a FR on Bnet.
I can try to add you. Sometimes it seems Discord doesn’t like to let me add people. Tried adding others before and it kept saying “error”?
Hi there! I think my guild may be a fit for you. Feel free to add my Battletag: Ruderasta#1783 to have a chat, looking forward to hearing from you! I have included some basic info about the guild below:
Guild: Quatri Mensuram (2/10 M on Horde Mal’Ganis)
Raid times: Friday/Sat 9pm -11pm PST
Social: Casual guild, we only raid 4 hours per week but we try to take those
4 hours seriously. We do an alt night on Thursday and run Mythic +
throughout the week. Older crowd, mid 20s and up. We don’t have
a bench, we don’t recruit to sit people.
P.S Unfortunately our healer and tanks spots are filled and just looking for DPS atm.
Cozybadguy#8607 on Discord. Check our posts out. Peace
No lie, one of the guys in our guild is a chef and he judges our food.
We do also do some pvp, although we are primarily a PvE guild.
I took a long hiatus due to RL issues and bad WoW experience. I do have to say though that as a cook I too judge food. :<
Hi Adoniah!
Are you looking for a guild? We are on Thrall called the Neanderthralls and we are in need of healers, specifically a shaman, druid, monk or disc priest! We are pretty big into keys, ususally there are people on every night! We raid Thursdays and Mondays 9:30server (Eastern) to 12:00am server.
If you’re still looking and want to chat, please reach out to me on Discord at Bandycane#5055!
Sending you an invite right now. ^^