Returning 6/8H resto druid LF raiding guild

Currently around 415 ilvl (from months ago), just came back to the game yesterday. Looking to possibly get back into raiding. I have a long standing history of pushing end tier progression dating back to WotLK. I have several previous cutting edge achievements, so I am capable of performing at the highest level necessary to finish raid tiers.

What you can expect from me:

  • always prepared with personal raid consumables and knowledge of encounters
  • high attendance rate (near 100%)
  • ability to take constructive criticism
  • mature, try to avoid drama. I’m 34 years old, I don’t really have time for that kind of thing anymore. I just wanna show up, make friends, have fun, and kill bosses.

What I’m looking for:

  • 2 day schedule preferred, 3 day might be ok.
  • horde only
  • core position, not really interested in a bench situation
  • a guild capable of pushing progression at a respectable pace while still maintaining a fun atmosphere
  • sense of community, I cannot stress that enough. A guild that does things together outside of raid.

Sunday-Wednesday any time. I work 5pm-5am Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, so I am 100% UNAVAILABLE on those days.

Prog: 6/8H. Not too bad for first night back?

Bnet: nastyfacts#1491
Discord: anabiotix#6915

Ruined Immersion is looking to fill our ranks. We raid one day a week (Sat) from 11:30am-3:30pm (EST).