Looking for TUE/WED raiding guild EST. For Normal/Heroic Content, Not opposed to working on Mythic, my gear just isn’t there yet.
Happy to TANK or DPS (or both)
Contact me In-Game
MO-THU: 6pm -12am (give or take) Eastern
Who am I?
-Warrior comfortable in any role, Tanking or DPS'ing
-14 years experience
-36 Years Old (Web Developer)
Tired of pugging with trash groups, looking to do something semi-serious and clear heroic at the very least. Tried doing the SOLO thing and I realized you can’t get anything done without a guild in this expansion. I am not looking to be carried either, I am willing to work for my spot and earn my keep. ATM I am hanging around some random guild for the bonuses.
RAID EXPERIENCE BFA - recently started playing, mythics (5man) only so far Legion - TOS 7/9 H, Antorus 11/11 H - Only raided casually Warlords - HFC 13/13 Mythic (Fully Commited) Pandaria - Barely Played Cata - Barely Played, Cleared most Heroic Difficulty, Server First Alakir 10 man Kill (Arms), Norm and H Wrath - 10/11 Heroic ICC DPS class lead with long standing Guild (from TBC on) TBC - Cleared all content during progression (PLayed as MT and DPS Class Lead) Classic - Cleared 3 wings of Naxx at time of progression - Server First C’Thun, Twin Emps Kills as MT, Server First Loatheb, Thaddius, Patchwerk, Maexxna all as MT, cleared all content prior to Naxx.
As you can see, I do not have a lot of recent Raid XP but I have demonstrated the ability to clear content at the highest level in any role. I am currently looking for a guild that is clearing Heroic/Normal content primarily. As my gear is not yet up-to-par for mythic content, I am working on it.
Sunset Riders is a newly formed guild of friends and compatriots. Raiding two nights a week, we are a casual no drama guild! So far, we have achieved 7/9 heroic and are going to push AOTC with the current tier of raiding. We also run mythic pluses, and generally have fun!
We raid on Wednesday and Friday from 7 pm to 9:30 pm server time.
We also run Normal Tier raids on Saturday nights as well (7:30 pm Server time).
Currently, we are a seeking ranged dps (Shadow Priest/Warlock) for progression, Item level of 390+, with knowledge of fight mechanics and a desire to learn and push content. Others will be considered of course! BNET at laskaland#1404, and we are on Moon Guard.
< Guild Name Loading> Proudmoore Is a Semi-Casual raiding guild looking for more to fill our raid team! Our current raid progression is 9/9H BoDA 2/2H CoS. Our members have been raiding together since BC and are very knowledgeable. We are in search of likeminded players who are ready to progress and have fun doing it! We are a socially active guild that has a very active discord and guild chat. If you are just looking for a place to call home but not raid that’s fine as well all are welcome!
Raid times:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 pm EST to 10pm EST
We are recruiting more dps and a 1-2 healers for 8.2 Highest needed classes at this time are: Mage, Monk, Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Death Knight, and Warrior. All classes will still be considered, but Warlock and Demon Hunter is closed.
We do meta achieves when they are current, xmog/mount/achievement farming, and have a high desire to push more M+.