Returning 248 Warlock LF Mythic Raiding

I began SoD as a vengeance DH (Postnikov), made it to 6/10 heroic, and my guild fell apart. I took a break, and came back briefly to mythic SoD on this warlock. I was undergeared, but managed to get prog kills on tarragrue, the nine, and soulrender. So, I’m 3/10 M SoD. I’ve also managed to pug full heroic clears a few times.

I’m looking for a guild that is around 5/10 M that plans to reclear regularly and possibly progress more. I have lots of raiding experience, including Ny’alotha CE, on a rogue (Tikhonov) and on this warlock). I’m happy to transfer.

Thanks for reading!

Hey big dawg summit horde a52 is fresh CE guild with leadership of former CE raiders we are currently 7/10M looking for some dps to round out our roster. We raid tue wed 9-12 est feel free to add me on disc if u are interested, Fen#8048

Hey Poincare,

My Guild, Pocket Aces(Alliance) on Doomhammer is looking for a few more raiders to round out our roster. Currently have a community of raiders on a couple servers that we use to raid with till 9.2 comes out before we decide on a single banner. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 530-830pst(830-1130est) and are currently 5/10 Mythic.

If you want to chat more hit me up:

Bnet: Senator23#1289
Discord: Whisperos#1650

BiOL is always looking for more people wanting to kill bosses and progress together. Check us out below and if interested give us a poke
Good luck to ya

Hey Poincaré

We are an Alliance mythic raiding guild on Sargeras. We are currently 9/10H and 5/10M raiding on Tuesday and Wednesday from 7-10CST. We finished last trier 9/10M and are pushing this tier for CE.

We are in a need of a Warlock. Let me know if you are interested you can find me on discord at cabosetv#0275 or bnet at cabose#1677

Hi Poincaré, We’d love to have another warlock!

The Epitome of Iniquity is a long term (since vanilla) friendly adult guild. We have an active roster, with people who love running keys. We are well organized but very laid-back.

Raids are Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 9-11:30pm Pacific. We were 7/10M in CN (while raiding 2nights/week), currently 5/10M and 10/10H in SoD. We are currently only looking for 2 exceptional dps.

We are located on US-Proudmoore, one of the most populated US Alliance realms.

Feel free to friend me at stef#1290 (bnet) or Stefanie#2047 (Discord) if you’d like to join or have any questions!

Evolution of Chaos is a tight knit group of friends with numerous years of raiding success and experience.

Evolution of Chaos is a tight knit group of friends with numerous years of raiding success and experience. Looking for players with a hunger for raiding, mythic plus, and having fun! Our raiding times are family friendly and will not require you to be up late hours throughout the night. We understand that Real Life comes first and want to make sure this is accomplished in all of our lives. Our raiding times allow our group to be successful in-game; as well as, promote the success of our out-of-game life too.

If you are looking for a fun place to raid and not have to worry about a guild leaving you, or changing servers (aka. no drama), then Evolution of Chaos could be that home for you.

Raiding schedule:
Wednesday: 8:00 - 11:00 (est)
Sunday: 8:00 - 11:00 (est)

Mythic Plus most nights.

Bnet: KnightnGale#1402
Discord: Minidude-Durotan [A]#2098



Ascendance (A, Sargeras) is looking for another warlock. We’re currently 7/10M, pretty easy going lot, but know when to focus.

Msg me if you’re interested in chatting further!
Bnet: Cailyth#1999

Hey there! Our guild might be perfect for you. We are 5/10 M SoD (6/10 M CN, 12/12 M Ny’alotha), and are looking for DPS - mage or warlock preferred.

I will post our information below, but would love to talk with you. Please feel free to reach out to either:

Recruitment Contacts:

[Battletag] Ryn#11932
[Discord] Ryn#6625 or Fredzilla#6705

Advent [A] on Kel’Thuzad is recruiting to fill its mythic raiding ranks now and for 9.2!

We are currently 5/10M SoD and still progressing, prior 6/10 M CN, 12/12 (CE) Ny’alotha. We are looking for DPS (lock and mage preferred), or DPS with viable OS (healer OS preferred). We are always interested in any experienced player, preferably with previous Mythic experience.

Raid Nights: Wednesday and Sunday, 7-10 Central (8-11 Eastern).

Recruitment Contacts:
[Battletag] Ryn#11932
[Discord] Ryn#6625 or Fredzilla#6705

Seeking: Enjoyable people, prepared for raid, good performance and listen to feedback. Improve constantly.

More About Advent:
Advent is a guild that achieves AOTC and explores Mythic raiding to the extent of our desires and capabilities, but aim for CE. While we expect every raider to carry their weight and come to raid prepared and ready to do what is needed to kill bosses, we’re not a hardcore guild and will not treat you like we are one. We understand life comes first, but we’re here to kill bosses and have a great time doing so. Raiders are expected to come to raid prepared and up-to-date on endgame systems, know the fights, and be as consistent as their lives allow.

We’re a very social guild, spending large portions of time in our guild discord and online, playing WoW and an array of other games. We pride ourselves on the social connections that we have formed among ourselves and the way we form them with new raiders. Advent is centered in the US-Central time zone, but has members across the world from many time zones. We are a very welcoming group of people, searching for more to enjoy our relaxed social atmosphere with us.

Come join us! Please contact us with any questions, we appreciate your time and interest.

Hey Poincaré. We are Alliance and currently 4/10 M working on Soulrender. Would love to chat! Read below - we are only raiding Tues/Thurs for a while but will return to normal raiding schedule at some point. Hit me up in-game or in Discord anytime! Shadow.

Nox Oriens (10/10H 4/10M SOD) is looking to add 3-4 DPS, main spec healer that can dps and a main tank or dps/tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.

Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams.

Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:

Tempest (Mythic Roster)

Ascendance (Casual Progression)

We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.

We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695

Discord: Shadow#8257

We look forward to hearing from you.


Hello! Volatile on Whisperwind is looking to expand and add to our raid roster. Please check out the link below and give us a look.