So I just returned this week and am wondering what should I be doing before the pre-patch.
I’ve been grinding pvp gear and LFR, but I’m starting to wonder what would be the point. If memory serves that gear will be pretty much replaced in pre-patch (I was there for Legion pre-patch and pretty much everything was replaced). I’m never much higher than LFR in ilvl so I’m not talking to the top end raid guys.
As far as pvp goes, the honor gear that comes with the new expansion will pretty much trump what I have now…so should I even focus on upgrading this gear…or just keep the green gear until expansion. (I rarely if ever do arenas…mostly Bgs)
I’ve also heard of this warband thing…not really focused on it…so maybe just leveling my alts and getting them in base green gear until pre-patch?
Sorry for all the questions…really my fault for returning so close to the end of this expansion. However, thanks in advance.