Returned and confused about covenants

I’m totally lost as to what to do for my covenant campaign. The Kyrian campaign says 0/9, with the first quest listed as Among the Kyrian.

I looked it up, and it appears to start in Oribos, but I can’t find the correct NPC. I read that it was bugged at one time., so I ran the script: /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(60491))

and it showed “true”

Now I’m really lost and have no idea what to do.

When you are looking at your zone or campaign achievements, those list the storylines rather than the individual quests.

“Among the Kyrian” is the name of a quest, the one you tested for, and also the name of a storyline:

So you have completed the quest, and I assume you are somewhere along that storyline,

Look at the right hand side of that page, where the storyline is laid out. Keep trying the quests one by one, using the /run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted scripts, until you come to one that returns false. That will be the point where you have to pick up the story.

I tried looking up Lillannia-Zul’jin on Wowhead’s Quest Checker, but got a character not found. Perhaps your character hasn’t been reactivated yet on the API. But it may soon work, so it may be of use to you

There are also quest addons that will show you what you have and haven’t done in a zone.

Since your character is 60, you don’t need to do Shadowlands. You can go straight to Dragonflight if you want, and if you have bought the expansion.

Thank you. I’ll check all of that next time I log in. I don’t own Dragonflight, so I want to work on SL. I have done on other characters, but this is my only Kyrian.

Just got back on. Thanks again. I had a quest to go into the Maw which I didn’t realize was part of the Kyrian campaign. I’m back on track now.

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