Let’s get rid of all this extra stuff we don’t need…
AP grind lose it
Covenants lose it, there’s so many random effects for each companion it’s ridiculous
Borrowed power lose it
PvP talents lose it go back to baseline
Yeah let’s do it!
(they don’t read these forums)
Convevants sound more fun than gems and chants. Passives and actives to choose from is More interesting than equip stat buffs.
why did you stop posting on your monk tho
I’ve got a weird thing about eliminating things I don’t use, and I decided to not level him a while back so he was overdue for deletion
I was still posting on him until the forums logged me out for some reason 
yeah but
level 69 kt monk that responds with witty stuff
actual legend
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Maybe for PvE not PvP you should know exactly what you’re about to face
they’re not going to do it
but I agree with you
When i read “gear, enchants, and gems” what I read is “artificial power creep, goldsink, goldsink.” I dont understand why people are so adamant about this. None of these things meaningfully change my rotation, none of them offer me new ways to play, all they do is make me tougher and hit harder. That sounds like the epitome of boring.
I want MORE unique abilities. I want MORE class customization. I want MORE utility skills. I want to be excited about progressing. I want progression to change my character and make them more fun to play, not just allow me to queue for harder dungeons that do more damage because i have more health that drop more gear to queue for harder dungeons that do more damage becau–you get the idea.
WoW is a giant gear treadmill, we all know it. But can my gear treadmill at least have adjustable incline? Variable speeds? A cooling fan, perhaps?
I agree, for what it’s worth.
(They probably do pay someone — probably not enough — to scan through all this, but how much they pay attention is an open question.)
I don’t agree with dropping AP / Covenents / Borrowed Power in general. There’s some good mixed in with the bad in all of those.
But I agree with losing PvP Talents (or at least baselining many of them and just leaving CC and self-preservation related talents there).
I disagree with bringing back PvP stats. I think that was too much of a barrier to entry to PvP. HOWEVER, I’d like to see a return to the dual-ilvl + baseline ilvl system WoD used. PvP gear had a higher effective ilvl in PvP, lower in PvE, so PvP Gear was almost always BiS for PvP, but PvE players didn’t feel the need to farm PvP Gear for PvE. Then the Baseline allowed new alts/players to participate in PvP at a reasonable level, but still left room for gear progression in PvP. It was perfect IMO.
As for the title…
Baseline, normal, non-gimmicky gear should be the standard. I don’t HATE things like Corruptions or the CoS gear that was similar, but it should never become as prevalent as it is in 8.3. Maybe keep it to certain Trinkets at most.
(As a tangent: Titanforging should stay gone. Warforging (5-10) ilvl is fine and in line with bonus gem socket rolls and doesn’t infringe on the next difficulty tier’s loot like 15+ ilvl Titanforging does.)
Enchant slots should be expanded. Reducing it to weapons and rings KILLED the profession. With how strong alchemy constantly is, other professions need to be expanded, not reduced. I don’t really care if each enchant is weaker, but we need them on more slots again.
Exact same thing for Jewelcrafting. Bring back baseline gem slots on gear. It doesn’t have to be all gear. Hell, it could be something unique to accessories even. But some form of baseline gem sockets are needed to sustain Jewelcrafting as a reasonable profession to pick. Bonus sockets can still be a thing.
Yes but if they do this with stuff you lose every expansion thats stupid, it should be CLASS abilities not borrowed power
Bring back profession gear enhancements!
Honestly I think Wrath was the best. Sockets were known, and with the addition of inscription you had some neat additional effects - the cosmetic ones were the best.
Now… eh…
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“We’ve heard the passionate discourse regarding and have decided that any change would unravel the entire system and it goes against our philosophy of %[#| the players and the class. Good day!”- Blizzard
I’d rather have a solid functioning game, than a broken one that’s constantly changing for the lols.
Or you could just go play classic.
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We had these things before
Everything you’re gettin is rebranded old stuff
New abilities are called “new active talents”
The soul bind trees are the talent trees of the past
The conduits are just glyphs with more steps
The covenants are just faction reps
The new covenant armours are just less work than making you a tier set for your class every raid path and giving you a generic armour type one
The mini games are just…mini games?
So what do we get new from covenants? Annoyed - that’s it
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