So much for a “catch up with your friends” prepatch. If you arent going to give us time to level BEs, let us use the boost on them.
Thanks for lying to us. We’ll have time to level before TBC comes out? Nice joke.
Too soon.
Trust has been broken.
I planned to level a Draenei character to 60 -before- BC launch. Now we’ll be rushing to cap + other preparations in 2 weeks. June 1st is too soon.
2 weeks, are you joking me?
A big middle finger to activision and blizzard. The community wants min 4 week pre patch. Thought you were going to give our friends time to catch up? They better let me buy a 58 Shaman, cause I have work and don’t have 2 weeks to level her up. Or maybe I should just unsub.
Please explain what is happening with the final rank week so people can know if they should stop or not. it’s not for me (my hunter should get to R13 this week and that’s that) but for MULTIPLE friends of mine with the same concern. Especially since people going for R14 on May 18th have already spent 1.5 weeks grinding for it.
Oh, and people reading this I don’t care what you think about ranking in P6 and this was my 4th time ranking so I’m not late for anything. I just care about friends.
Only a 2 week prepatch? What happened to having time to level the new races before TBC release? What gives? This is too short of a time frame for normal people.
“entire working adult portion”
I mean they’re out there but just the fact you’re saying “entire” when most career jobs allow you 2 week notice PTO or even less. Do I agree more time would be great? Yea, it’s a bit short.
Don’t hide behind some cringe “I gotta take time off work to race to max level to play content from 2006” for it
Blizzard is seriously out of touch with their community.
What happened to us being able to have enough time to level and have our friends catch up? The original prepatch was over 40 days and we get 2 measly weeks? How are we supposed to schedule time off? How the hell do you expect a majority of us to be ready with such a small warning?
Sounds to me like I should just unsubscribe at this point because I can’t find a reason to stick around and pay these people any further.
0/10. Really messed this up Blizzard. Embarrassing.
What happened to giving us enough time in pre-patch to level Blood Elfs/Draenei before release? This sucks.
I can’t wait to hit level 60 on my Blood Elf right around the time Phase 2 starts… since I would assume the same rushed phase release schedule will happen in TBC as well.
You had 0 days to level up the new races before TBC originally launched. Retail crybabies in here upset because they can’t play the game without boosting.
Scheduling time off during the summer is rough man
I’m never doubting obscure datamined client strings ever again.
That was posted by wowhead on March 11th. Blizzard has known when they were releasing pre-patch for about 2 months now and never bothered to say anything until nearly the last minute.
Why? Trust dataminers is what they’re saying with their silence.
You missed the point. Go shill elsewhere
This. Could we get a blue post to clarify?
Longer pre-patch, please; simply not enough time to catch up and participate in the launch experience.
Everyone needs to slam them for this out of touch decision. They knew the date well before now and they’re deliberately making things worse for us. Why should we pay them?
Prepatch needs to be pushed to the 11th and release date needs to be delayed by at least another week. This is so easy to fix yet this AAA company can’t seem to get it right.
Were there any server migration processes for those who are playing on empty servers to have a chance to play on a server with more people?
not true lol? i dont care about prepatch. Love this reolease date. Speak for urself.