Activision is really ruining the Blizzard community. I highly suspect the devs wanted a longer pre-patch but they are forcing them for a short one due to 9.1 also coming this summer. It’s absolute garbage.
Why are we getting such a short time frame on announcement to pre-patch?? 2 weeks is not enough time for this transition with new races / classes to each faction.
Meanwhile, the ACTUAL working adult portion that doesn’t consist of man-children is fine not taking time off for a re-release of a video game.
You’re picture says Monday, June 1 and Tuesday, June 2.
June 1st is a Tuesday. June 2nd is a Wednesday. What day does the game come out. Please fix your graphics.
Cool tbc but, really? 12 days to level new races? If this was like cata or something i wouldnt care, it has no real impact, but for TBC all the Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins have to spend so many hours/day to hit 60 before TBC launch…
How much gold with the Warglaive of Azzinoth go for?
Big hype let’s gooooooo
So instead of doing what Blizzard said it would do, they go against there own statements and the theme of the Classic servers.
Less than two weeks is not enough time to level up a new race.
And, the original pre-patch for TBC was much longer. Doing this short of a pre-patch goes against the whole purpose of the Classic servers and retaining the original design.
Thanks Blizz for another botched launch.
Whelp…so much for making Commander…
Terrible decision. The TBC Beta still needs to be refined and three weeks is not enough time. Not to mention, Pre-Patch TBC was going to be a big turning point in enjoyment, and two weeks is not enough time. Please re-think the decision of releasing so early! We need a FINISHED and QUALITY product!
There’s nothing to suspect, they outright said so. They wanted to give people time to level belves and space gotes, which implies more time than we had originally, which was two weeks. If it was always going to be two weeks, why even bring that up?
EDIT: Actually, it will be even shorter than it was in vanilla, where pre-patch lasted a little over a month. That’s hilarious. Someone is definitely applying the pressure for them to rush it.
just complete it on tbc
While I am glad for BC and have been eagerly looking forward to it this short of notice completely ruins my plans for launch. I had a group of friends which we were all going to use vacation time to dungeon grind to 70 over the first couple days of the expansion. Because of Blizzard giving this short of notice two people in the group will not be able to give adequate notice to their employers to use vacation time for the launch. Thanks Blizz, all you had to do was be forthcoming with the information a few weeks earlier.
I don’t see how any of what you said applies to what I said.
Will there be a Burning Crusade Classic Collector’s Edition like the WoW Classic Collector’s Edition?
Only a 2 week prepatch is disappointing, was hoping for a ~month at least so I could level up a shaman instead of resorting to boosting…
“We want to have a longer prepatch”
Announces Prepatch in 12 days… Also only 2 weeks of prepatch
Why the f would anyone ever trust anything you say if you keep going back on it?
This is such garbage. A terrible decision.
This is excellent news!
How is 2 weeks enough time to get new races to 60? This is really bad… Didn’t you say we would have enough time to catch up to our friends? Guess you can’t stop fantasizing about that check that comes along with all the Character Copies and Paid Boosts… You guys are great at disappointing so many people…