Return to Oribos to join party's phase(Maw)

Since the expansion has been out there has been issues with this. Yes it was fixed for most of the zones until a few days ago when it started to occur in the Maw. If my girlfriend and I are not partied up before going to the Maw one or both of us have to go back to Oribos to be in the same phase even though we are on the same server. We unlocked the new area in the Maw yesterday and the dailys require groups to complete. We tried several times to join or make groups to do them to only have other players phased and either we would have to go back to Oribos or they would and then run all the way back to where the quests were. The Maw is almost unbearable to begin with…now you throw this in and we don’t want to go back. Please at least fix the phasing issues so we can have functioning groups again.


THIS! I’m trying to complete Words of Warding quest in Perdition Hold. It recommends three people; however, no one can see each other. I have been in five or six groups so far and everyone was phased differently. But we are all on the same quest, so we can’t be in different phases.

I can’t agree more with the OP’s post. The whole layout and design of the Maw is cumbersome to begin with. Now add in that you can’t group up properly and it makes me not want to even go back there.

Groups can only synchronize phasing at sanctuary areas like Oribos or the lobby of Torghast now, by design. World PvPers were abusing easy shard changes to escape combat so Blizz made it so shard phasing only synchs up in places where PvP is impossible.

This is not the case for any zone except the Maw.
@OP this behavior for the Maw is still working as intended. However, other SL zones do phase people over instantly now.

Interesting. Perhaps the restrictions remaining on the Maw makes sense since it’s the current wPvP hotbed.

Maybe actually read the full OP?

They want it changed. Many people do. They literally added group quests, but then they made groups unable to form in the maw.

This is the bug report forum, not the suggestions forum. His post ends with “please fix the phasing issues” when there is nothing to fix.

Well the Support forums are not where players ask for changes to intentional design decisions. Working as designed therefore not a bug.

Post in General Discussion, where suggestions to the developers are accepted by Blizzard developer Customer Manager personnel. Complaining in Bug Reports about something QA knows full well is an intentional design choice is a dead-end street.

BTW: Oribos isn’t the closest sanctuary area. Torghast lobby is much closer.

Now if he had said “please fix the issue where Ve’nari’s Refuge does not properly phase groups in the Maw despite it being a sanctuary” then I’d be all-in on this post. That is likely an outstanding issue based on the intentional wording of the “phased” tooltip explicitly mentioning sanctuaries.

I can understand the fix for purposes of world pvp, and can even applaud that. However, it’s pretty crappy that this applies to people who do not have warmode engaged. I would say that more than 90% of the time when I join a group for the purposes of completing a quest, the individuals are already in or around the quest area. It’s very inconvenient to have everyone have to go back to the nearest sanctuary area and then slog back through mobs to get to the place they were already at moments ago. Especially in a place like the Maw, where mob groupings can be very hard to avoid and every killing blow generates more threat. Every group I have joined for the quest I am trying to complete in the Maw has the players already down in the quest area and they are unable to see each other. Once again, we have a poorly thought out “fix” that itself needs fixing or redesigning.