Return to Karazhan Opera Event

How does it work? is it a weekly rotation? is it random?
I want my witch hat. :frowning:


It’s pure RNG, there is no way to force it. One method I used to use to kinda do it would be have 5-6 friends all go in and do it, when you get the one with the hat you join their group and enter. As long as you don’t tag the boss then it doesn’t save until you’re in!


…I am a moron and killed the boss cause I was mad at it. Thank you.


This right here. If you’re going to target a specific item best to do it on toons that share the same armor type.

It’s a weekly thing on mythic or random.

I’m very fortunate to have a small army of clothie alts to try to farm Opera with.

Sure you are not thinking about old Kara? Legion is weekly it would seem.

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So many conflicting messages;

The Opera Hall, as in the original Karazhan raid, has a repertoire of three potential encounters. Each week, the Opera will choose a new encounter, and all players who attempt the Return of Karazhan during that week will experience the same Opera Hall fight.

The Opera event is the first boss right? Could you reset the dungeon if the wrong one comes up? Or do you get locked as soon as the curtains come up?

You would be correct, I am confusing it with the way the old Kara operates. Return to Kara is indeed on a weekly rotation.

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I cry :crying_cat_face:

Can we get hat from old kara?Probably not but thought id ask.

Pretty sure the Legion mythics work on a set rotation and the raid is random. I had to wait for it to come back around when I was farming for the hat.