Honestly, Bepples, I spent nearly 90% of my time running Challenge Modes in MOP, which was a playground for SV (BM have beast cleave, but pets also had travel time, which was not good if you were doing speedruns - the pets couldn’t keep up), so to me, SV was the PVE spec for MOP.
Says the Druid who can’t see the forest for the trees.
I am curious about this because of the Legion revamp. I would surmise that before you’re going to change a spec dramatically, it’s best to nerf it to the ground so that enough people would vacate from it so that Blizzard doesn’t get the same people complaining about who moved their cheese. Even still, that doesn’t explain why Blizzard can’t actually do better on engagement and feedback reception.
I used to like Watcher about some things, but he shouldn’t be welcomed in his current station with that attitude.
If you come to this thread and make positive claims about a spec’s represenation I expect you to show real evidence to back that up.
I sure as hell do. I can show you:
- Warcraftlogs data showing the spec to be popular in WoD before patch 6.2
- Worldofwargraphs data showing the spec to be popular from a period around mid 2013 until the 6.2 launch in mid 2015
- Archived worldofwargraphs data from the Cynwise blog showing SV was popular all the way from the release of Dragon Soul to 5.4.2 in early 2014
- Several world first kills from WotLK and Cata, the periods before we have any representation data, where the Hunters are playing SV
You, on the other hand, have nothing to offer this thread other than cheap insults. So I think it’s pretty clear which one of us here is basing their arguments on fact and which one is just making empty assertions and lashing out at anyone who doesn’t buy it.
It is VERY telling how you threw such an immature tantrum the moment anyone questioned your claims.
See, here’s an example of your issue here: you have no idea what you’re talking about whereas I’m actually familiar with the material of the time. Here are the icy veins pages for BM and SV as of 5.4.8 in 2014:
Are you tired of being proudly wrong about everything?
P.S. Bordeaux I wonder if you could enlighten us on what quality you found in his posts?
I’m just going to laugh my way out as you continue to cherry pick specific instances to try and claim rsv was a popular spec throughout WoW’s history. It was niche at best, and everyone who’s played since Vanilla knows it.
p.s. it’s absolutely hilarious that you’re so worked up about being wrong that you’re literally crying at someone for liking my posts.
cherry pick specific instances to try and claim rsv was a popular spec throughout WoW’s history.
literally every tier from wrath until 6.2 isn’t “specific instances”
But throwing bombs and meme’ing people to death with a hand crossbow is so fun.
Not true, try again.
If Survival went back to ranged it’d ideally keep Wildfire Bomb, so if you mogged your weapon into a crossbow you’d still have both of these things
Nah, Melee survival gives the hunter class a more diverse feel. Plus what are the Bleeding Hollow orcs going to do without their spears? I liked survival in MoP(lol) mostly because of ROCKETS.
Of course to a class that’s supposed to be a mountain man roughing it in the wild, improvised firebombs are a tad more friendly to the overall image.
Could you imagine if they turned outlaw rogue into range, or fire mages into melee? It’s something nobody asked for. Never once did I want to play a melee hunter. I wanted a ranged class so I picked one. Maybe if MM and BM weren’t polar opposites of each other I’d enjoy them both, but MM plays like a statue and I like to move out of the fire.
Welcome to the wow forums.
Like I said in my last post, present data or GTFO.
100% of your claims here have no concrete base, it’s just all “Everyone knew it was unpopular*”. I want to see you actually link something that backs up a single one of your claims.
While it wasn’t popular in every single patch between 3.0 and 6.2, we can demonstrate with real evidence, as we have in this thread, that it was popular for most of them. So, in fact, you are the one that’s cherrypicking when you call ranged SV unpopular.
Plus, even if it were true that ranged SV were only popular a couple times… that’s still a better track record than melee Survival which has never been popular
You can’t just bleat out “diverse” and “variety” at every class change to make it sound good. Making SV a healer spec would give the class an even more diverse feel… it would also be a dreadful decision for reasons that are obvious for everyone.
We actually lost diversity in ranged weapon selection. Ranged weapons in Legion and BFA have bottomed out in terms of adequate representation in this game while we just keep getting more and more melee specs. Contrary to the belief of some, melee isn’t god’s gift to class design.
Careful, because some people really do ask for these things. They don’t give a damn about class identity or the preference of the playerbases of each class and demand increasingly ridiculous fringe-niche trash like melee mages or shaman tanks.
Oh good, you’re back. Are you going to continue making outrageous untrue statements about Hunters and dismissing all counter-arguments like you used to?
Oh hey my Fanatical Bepples the crusader, just passing by. Good to see you still go on blindly ignoring everything to claim that your holy book is the only right thing!
Eh, do all the arguing you want. None of it matter unless Blizzard is listening.
Which, if the last four years are any indication, they aren’t. I think the state of hunters in the next expansion determines whether or not I continue giving them my money for the next two years or just go on a nice long break.
Oh they do read and check the forums, they wont do a reply to not create favoritism.
But its not because 20 players out of thousands saying that X spec is bad or should come back that it means they will do it to please those 20 players.
Yes you dont like new hunter, you want old things back. Sucks, but things evolve and changes, unless you do … you will be stuck in the past hoping for nostalgia instead of adapting and having fun.
Next expact not much will change, aint two new skills that will make a difference… so if you aint having fun … then stop.
Yes you dont like new hunter, you want old things back. Sucks, but things evolve and changes, unless you do … you will be stuck in the past hoping for nostalgia instead of adapting and having fun.
Weird, because I recall BfA’s Survival adding a ton of elements from Ranged Survival back, and Survival even going melee in the first place was meant as a callback to when it was the melee tree in Vanilla.
At least he moved on from the “only a handful of players” statement…
We haven’t seen much yet as to what the new expansion will bring for the class…
What they showed at BlizzCon were just a few examples for the sake of the presentation.
I’m honestly sure the argument wont destabilizing until either of three options:
1)Replace MSV with either RSV(most unlikely to me)
2)Make all specs capable of both ranged and melee(can be hunter-specific or not)
3)Add RSV and keep MSV.
I really hope you’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting. You mean like all hunter abilities can be used with both a ranged weapon or a melee??
Like Aimed Shot would transform into Aimed Strike?
That’s just a whole new level of stupid.