Return of the black prince quest

This is the first quest you get when you log in to start the cloak quest, I accepted it and then accidently abandoned it and Now I can’t get it to pop back up, I have restarted the game, logged in and out, what do I do to get this quest back!

Try going back to where you orignaly got the quest.

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I think it’s just a breadcrumb quest. You likely are able to just go to the Chamber of the Heart and talk to him.

I did, I was in the great seal and the guy that stands inside the corner of the room is gone

You need to completely exit the game and then log back on and it should automatically reappear in your quest log when you log back on. That’s what happened for me. I even dropped it multiple times and logged off and when I logged back in it reappeared.

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A friend of mine abandoned this quest and has tried going back, logging out and back in and it’s not popping up for her. Any ideas? She put a ticket in but from previous threads i don’t think it will help much.

ok two days before the pre patch i had the quest to speak with King Wrynn in the Throne room to see the video about the black prince being an advisor. Well Blizzard removed the King on Sunday before the Pre Patch happened and now i am stuck can’t get the video to trigger even with the other npcs present this is on my alliance hunter. I have put in bug reports almost every day asking for them to put in a time person to turn back time before the king was taken away.