Retuning player looking for a raid team!

Hi everyone! I am trying to get back into the game after a brief break (most of DF season 2). I do have some mythic raid experience as dps in the current tier but will my mainly playing my holy paladin. I am an Alliance player but I don’t think that matters anymore? Specifically looking to raid any combination of the following days and times: Mon/Tues/Thurs and possibly Sat. Times between 5pm - 8pm PST. I am looking for a more relaxed normal/heroic raid clear, not really interested in mythic at this time. I also like to run keys, I do have KSM season 1 and 2. If you are in need of a holy paladin, please DM me on Discord! I really want to get back into this game lol. Thanks for reading!

Discord: lunchbox69