Every ret so far in my shuffle games has gone 5/6 or 6/6. I have a hunter at 2758 and a 2600 hunter. Now my 2600 hunter is 2500 and floating down due to rets. Its the strangest thing that out of no where right after massive ret change buffs that id start going 2/6 every time a rets in the game. Wonder why that is. Hmm any ideas anyone.
A. I forgot how to play
B. I became a pacifist
C. Ret is still OP
D. Im now old enough to like girls and im to distracted to play good
E. I forgot to eat my vegetables
No, as I said, I’m not a terribad player, I’m climbing from average to good, my maximum exp is rival 2. But the interesting thing is as there are rets in every RSS match, I’ve been losing points left and right, things that only happened in some wizzard’s lobbies or against smurfs.
I played in vanilla/BC, stopped and came back in the middle of BFA where I only did PvE and World PvP, in SL I started playing RBG with friends and only started playing rated arena in SL S3 I barely played in S4 for personal reasons. And then im here, a rival 2 player, nice to meet you.
I’ve been playing a ret this week - Katpaws. I had zero experience on ret in arena. This spec is still over tuned and needs some additional damage nerfs. There’s no reason for JV to be hitting for 230-290K in stuns. Killing someone in 3 globals doesn’t make the game better; this applies for all high burst specs.
The community brought this on themselves to a large degree. They begged Blizzard to move away from a gameplay of cd trading for kill windows, which extends games, to very short games with random or timed damage spikes.
If we use solo shuffle as a North Star for the state of pvp, we can easily infer why 3 or 4 specs are the most favored and why queue times are so long. Some specs have ridiculously high burst potential and random damage spikes and healers are miserable trying to heal in this meta.
Until Blizzard moves away from multiple layering of damage modifiers and tones down the burst ability, the pvp portion of WoW will continue to decay and queues will become multiple hours long.
That’s a whole lot of words to say “yes, that’s true but I liked the game better when all pink names were free wins, and I have yet to learn to cope with them being a threat.”
Been playing Ret as well and definitely notice a difference post nerf, feel like they are fine now, plus played against ret on sham and still they just seem like if anything equal to S tier, meaning able to compete.
Playing against Im not getting globaled and playing with Im not doing excessive damage like before, so you are either bugged and not nerfed or just straight up fibbing
LOL noooooo. No they are not. That’s actually what is making RSS so miserable. As a Warlock, I have a kit to (barely) deal with Ret. Everyone else in my lobby does not. The rounds either end in 15 seconds when the ret is on my team, or–when they’re not–drag on for minutes because I use all my cooldowns to helplessly peel Ret’s go every minute for 4 minutes…while my team stares at the Gate i put down and the healthstones in their bags that aren’t even keybound.