RETs are privileged in game

Low pop in what? Overall, ret paladin has been a top-five most-played spec for several years. Including all specs melee/ranged/tank/heals

Not even kidding I look these things up and my main is ret and have noticed since BFA ret has been a top-five most-played spec on the websites that track this stuff throughout that time

Another day, another incorrect opinion thread on Ret.

Rets get buffed and think they are entitled to remain OP.

Warlocks get like three buffs, 90% of it is reverted every time, we laugh and move on.

Because warlock players aren’t whiny :poop:s. We know our place, and its above you lesser creatures that dare to enter our realm of godhood.

The Paladin forum had some, low level non paladin character create some troll thread to whine about it.

I’m amazed to see such a thread on general and complaining about ret in World content.

Alright w/e buff the guards I guess?
I stopped playing on PVP servers a long time ago to avoid dumb stuff as the OP describes, my mental health greatly improved! :joy:

Damn!! Rayzens coming in hot with the receipts.

Guy was vocal on the Beta forums trying to point out the flaws of Ret.
You wouldn’t know as a Fotm’er…
The only reason he post on a level 10 Paly here is because he plays on EU servers and that’s the only way he could give feedback in US threads.
You can only use a character from the region the forum is based on.

Also, lets face it, blizz don’t read EU forums…


Paladins should not be nerfed. Everything else should be buffed.

Well I have KSH and AOTC, took a break for half of season 1, don’t discuss if you can’t even show a character so I know you were pushing, it’s completely pointless, cuz you don’t know.

That’s some crazy cult manifesto level logic


Level 10 monk main, tried to argue over high rated group compositions, would you waste time on that? Go ahead

What does that have to do with the crazy

Sounds about right Mr 1700 and 4/8 Normal

The flow of this conversation Is also crazy… I wish to subscribe To your newsletter.

Are you taking on any apprentices?

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Sorry rating too low, you are filtered out. Bye

Well keep me in mind.

And from what we know about you neither do you.

So you admit you wouldn’t know then? Since you were, you know, on break…

In after the flood of people raging cause Ret was pulled out of the absolute basement and able to compete amongst other classes for once.

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hmmmm, something tells me you are a warlock? :smiley:

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