Rets and Arms are still OP

Burst meta.

Prefereable to 45 minute dampening meta snoozefests.

And before you say it there is 100% a middle ground, Blizzard just cant hit it.

You are savage.

Yea sorry but the two options aren’t Ret S++++ or dampen.

F that, man. Paladins are broken in a bad way that hurts the games integrity because they literally are stupidly unkillable in most teamfights, 1v1 on a ret paladin you’re begging for mercy as they hammer you into the ground with their burst as you’re staring at the ground being stunned pooping your pants wondering what you’re gonna do when all your surivability got popped trying to kill the thing. Oh and did I mention they just got healed up to full HP during their round of kiting you, slowing you, and stunning you before going in with the big guns? Not to mention their blind popped your trinket, put your will to survive on GCD as you wait for another sweet release of death from the Paladins burst, not a fan. Please nerf.

While the game should never be balanced around 1v1, this was very entertaining to read.

Warrior go boom :joy:

Edit: their kit is insane in 3s too blizzard please save us.

Edit edit: blizzard daddy* I promise to never call your pvp balance team stoopid again :weary:

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Fast or slow meta is a different discussion than a non diverse meta with over the top outlier like ret/demo/hunter

Well ofc 1v1 shouldn’t be the staple, but at least give us fighting chance before ret daddy gets the belt :scream:

You’re playing a hunter, of course every lobby is going to put you up lmfao you’re saying you went up in solos so that means you still get a ret inevitably on your team. :braindead: Don’t you also pay people to get you glad in arenas every season? LMFAO

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you’re ignorant. over half a ret’s damage is a spell not a melee. they don’t care if you disarm them or intervene. it does little to nothing to stop their damage. i play both ret and arms i would know. and if you’re a warrior you should be the kill target anyway. you literally die so easily it’s pathetic no matter if you pre-parry a stun, spell reflect, heal, leap away. you’re going to die. duel is useless

yep went from 2381 too 1600 since 10.0.7 dropped literally one shot my hunter closest ive ever been too elite im probably going too leave wow for good the countless hours and fun that it took too get too 2381 has quikly been turned into the biggest frustration ive ever expierenced in my life haha how and why it made it out of PTR ill never know and why it hasnt been fixed withing the first day of official 10.0.7 has me speechless…

That is an utterly brutal descent, friend. I hope that you are doing well.

There’s still enough time to try to make a recovery.

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its actually disgusting. most overpowered spec i’ve ever seen even post nerf. nerfs didn’t do crap. i can’t climb with my warrior because i’m struggling to keep myself and literally anyone else alive through ret damage

ive tanked from 2380 to 1790 or something. u can get it back for sure bro

Yeah. Easy come, easy go. I think that I saw somebody drop from 3100 to 1900? And he’s 3300 now.

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dont q while tilted xP


Or play a spec that got buffed for the patch, like BM, and are at almost equal numbers as the other 2 and in serious need of nerfs. Seems you went down rating in MM and survival!

I know how it feels, friend. I really hope they add some grace points for all this suffering.

Take a good hard look at what abilities can or cant be used while Disarmed.

Not even gonna list them. I want you to go see it with your own eyes and then have to lie to yourself, then come back and lie here to avoid admitting youre wrong.

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Another cry thread by another whiner who can’t get free wins against rets anymore. Report and move on.


and you know what good

warriors rogues and mages have ruled the roost with such levels of opness forever.

so when blizzard brings ANY class up to their level people whine and cry

glad to see paladins in a good place that hasn’t existed since wotlk