Retroactive Transmog Collection

I was listening to the MRGM interview from Blizzcon and he asked if we should be stockpiling transmogs now on our characters, implying that any items soulbound items in our inventories would be added to the warband collection and the answer that was given was “I don’t think that is the best play because we don’t want to make it feel like players coming back for the War Within were at a disadvantage”

I can’t disagree with this more. It’s transmog, it’s not about advantages when it comes down to solo’ing old content, it’s just time that we could spend on 13 different classes farming the same thing and it make no difference come 11.0.

I’ve had a Warglaive of Azzinoth sitting in the bank of my paladin for YEARS and Im very excited to be able to use it on other characters in 11.0, but this answer makes it sound as if that won’t be the case? Please let it be the case.


Obviously it is about wanting you to spend time in The War Within instead of playing right now.

Im not even a transmog collector and I really hope they rethink this

a huge chunk of why people were excited about this is because people were excited to not have to redo loremaster on every armor type, (the people who ive heard have done this really did not enjoy it) (would you want to do loremaster 4 times? its fun the first time, and maybe the second if you are big into quests)