This was talked about several times, and in at least one interview with developers, when the topic of warband changes to transmog came up.
In one interview with a developer, it was said that transmog from quests that had been completed on your account would be retroactively rewarded, not only from pre-Cata quests that had been removed, but also the transmog that wasn’t available to the class that completed the quest. So, for example, if I had completed a quest in Twilight Highlands back in Cataclysm on a cloth wearer, but the rewards also included plate, mail, and leather for other classes, I would be awarded those appearances when warbands were implemented. This doesn’t seem to be the case on live.
It was also said that the warband conversion process could take 20 minutes or more for some accounts depending on breadth and age of the account, but that didn’t seem to be the case for anyone.
Did this get scrapped last minute? Or is it bugged? Or has it been misunderstood by the community? These were very big quality of life changes that were greatly looked forward to by collection players. Clarity/transparency on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
Agree. I know it’s only been a couple days, but it’s frustrating there’s been radio silence on this. It’s not even just the retroactive rewards, either; currently, turning in quests (I’ve tested BC quests at least) still only gives you the transmog that character could learn before the alleged change (e.g. mage only gets cloth, wands, staves etc.). I was really excited for this feature, but now I’m confused whether it was ever meant to be implemented at all.
Adding myself to this question. I figured this would come with the pre-patch but I just created a goblin rogue, did a few quests, and found via All The Things addon that I didn’t get credit for non-leather transmogs of those quests.
I’m wondering if this is a bug, a yet-to-be-implemented change coming with the full xpac release, or worse, a feature only intended for War Within-specific quests and not legacy content. Blue comments clarifying would be appreciated.
In this interview it was talked about specifically – and it was summarized by wowhead.
Just wondering if the summarizer misinterpreted the interview answers and we’ve been misunderstanding what’s been coming all along? Did this developer overstep their actual plans? I just want to know.
Has anyone noticed earning any of these mogs today? I was on a fresh mage in remix on my second account earlier and it showed my mage earned four pieces of Legion mail quest armor from Stormheim and a WOD bow. I think I may have been logging into a character on my main account in the background that previously did the quests that offer those rewards, but it’s the first time I noticed it so far outside of items I had in the bags. I was confused and had to look up the source of the items on wowhead. It’s definitely not comprehensive of all quests I’ve done, but maybe a WIP? Or there is some other explanation.
Needs to be implemented! It’s unfair to those of us long time players who have maxed toons to think we have to go back and loremaster the crap out of stuff again for looks. This was poorly handled and conveyed. More dance studio hype that never pans out.