Retribution Paladins

  • In range, they hit like trucks.
  • In melee, they hit harder than rogues in a shadow dance, while also having huge aoe power.
  • They can heal back to full with instant spells with ease.
  • They have insane mobility while also having access to an instant ranged slow spell.
  • They can also become invincible, while not being penalized in any way when thinks get slightly rough.

Am I missing something? How are you supposed to beat those guys?

Help me out, because I’m at a loss! XD


CC during wings

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Is this a joke?

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You use your CDs to live their openers, force them to bubble, then kill after. As far as you Vs Ret Paladin 1v1? Kite, kite, kite, kite, until their bubble is down and your burst is up.


They can also dispel teammates without thinking thanks to that new judgement talent. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:. Ret was rated S-Tier in Pvp, no surprise really. I’d wager they could use some more nerfs but it IS kind of the unofficial noob friendly spec like DH, so having a dispel that auto casts is in line with that thinking.

That being said, as a 220 frost mage you’re probably the BEST counter to a ret. Are you using all your tools properly?


Ah yeah. I struggle in duels against them because I can’t really run in a straight line. But, I found out that the paladin I was dueling tricked me, and was using Heart of Azeroth… >_>

It made him pretty ridiculously tanky. Haha

As for using my kit properly, it would be hard for me to say that I don’t. I know I could sometimes be smarter about when I polymorph and when I don’t. Probably a whole lot of small details that I’m too noobish to know about!

Does that work at 60? O.o

I know it’s easier said than done, but you’re on the right track. In BFA on my frost mage I’d try stay max range and use my slows first. So use the water ele freeze, frost nova, etc.

I’d do my first poly only when he uses hand of freedom to immune slows. Keep poly spamming and pet nova/nova when he pops wings. There’s a bunch of stuff you can spellsteal as well, if I’m not mistaken so you might want to check that out.

If he pops wings and wastes bubbles to stop me from ccing him I can iceblock since we have 2 charges of block. If it’s a 1v1 you should be able to counter everything he does. Also ray of frost is fun to use against them after they waste freedom.

Damnit, all of this is making me want to level my frost mage now.

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spell steal those wings


I agree with all points except for this one. I feel like, of all of the classes that I play, my paladin has the least mobility.


Why do you need mobility when you can hit Judgment from 30 yards out and delete people


Gotta land those polymorphs during wings bro. If you’re frost you should be able to handle a paladin if you play perfectly. Other classes are not as lucky as you…

That’s true. But perfection is rather difficult against a class that can make a bunch of mistakes and still potentially win the duel on one mistake of their opponent. XD

I kind of felt like I needed to poly during blessing of freedom to be able to keep a certain distance between me and the paladin. But, what’s kind of funny is that a good and geared paladin can do similar damage to mine from range.

They’re ridiculously scary. =O

Yeah not to mention you have to juke his kick using polymorph because they can run at you fast with freedom.

No doubt. I completely disagree with giving them so much judgement damage AND a dispel in one. I know they’re traditionally slower and get kited but judgement doesn’t need to do that much dmg fr range.

Also more shifted from burst into sustained.

Your issue is trying to kill the paladin. You don’t need to play perfectly to get away and escape. He won’t catch you, he can’t. Come back when he’s in the middle of a team fight and melt him from the outside.


I don’t know if it’s a latency issue, but I’ve noticed since I started playing in Shadowlands that sometimes, even if I land my cast, I can get interrupted in that same school of magic right after even if I’m not casting.

I think the game is more generous than it used to be when it comes to interrupt windows. I often fake cast, and get interrupted even when no longer casting. It’s so annoying.

I honestly don’t really understand why they gave so many classes interrupts, since healers don’t even cast heals anymore anyway. -_-

Just give polymorph and all the other spammable cc’s a cooldown, and get rid of all those interrupts against damaging spells. I mean, you already have to deal with so much garbage. XD (I may be completely wrong on this. Hehe. It’s just some opinion of mine!)

That’s definitely latency.

You really shouldn’t focus on this honestly. You should ask how arms warriors have felt about duels since vanilla. Especially vs frost mages lol… Now ask them how they feel with a pocket healer. The game has never been designed around 1v1 and nor should it ever be.

Ret is ridiculously strong right now for sure but I don’t think they’re super high priority in rated BG’s for example. They have some weaknesses even if they are not many right now.

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I would try to negate wings at any cost. Ice block it or sheep it. Especially if you see flash on the ground, time to run, because it’s like second wings but as a debuff on you. Good positioned ret with full CDs is deadly.

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In range, you hit a lot harder than they do. If you see seraphim press alter time and nothing will happen to you, that is if you can’t just refresh life cocoon.
Db poly get distance.
Only if you let them have uptime to have enough generators for the heals, they can’t heal through combust if you’re kiting.
Use mobility or block, at worst case scenario.

You’re welcome.