Hello fellow Retardins~ So, I’ve been messing around with Soulbind/Conduit combinations for like hours. A lot of Ret’s answers to mobility and survivability lies in these borrowed power systems, but— they’re there.
Wowhead Conduit Calculator
Paladin Conduits
Ret Talents
This is the current build that I’m looking at using, it seems to somewhat address mobility and survivability, but I still need to look more closely at the other covenants.
Across all soulbinds, I will be choosing the same 2 potency, 1 endurance, and 1 finesse conduits, because they’re all really good:
Divine Call + Unbreakable Spirit can potentially reduce your Divine Shield CD to like 2.5 minutes! Wrench Evil buffs our returning fear ability Turn Evil (Read description is says humanoids). Virtuous Command and The Long Summer is just consistent DPS. I considered some other potency talents, but these seem to be the best damage to buff us outside of our burst windows.
Soulshape I think is the best mobility choice for Ret Paladins, which is why I’m choosing Night Fae, and there are two builds that I can see being viable. The one I quoted above is for the Korayn soulbind, and it gives:
• A charge+stun as an opener if you can get it off before combat starts
• 2% damage reduction
• and a conditional passive speed boost.
The big reason I’m choosing Korayn is for that passive speed boost, BUT I can also see Niya being really strong too:
• Run Without Tiring (thicc heal)
• Niya’s Tools: Burrs (%chance slow)
• Swift Patrol (blah)
• Grove Invigoration (+max health & mastery)
Idk. Looking at Niya more and more, I kind of am becoming more partial to Run Without Tiring, since we can’t use Wild Hunt’s Charge inside combat— so against stealth classes it’s going to be a dead pick. What do you guys think?