Retribution Aura has been removed

Again, Blizzard is turning wow into Action and not RPG.
I was missing the Exorcism spell for a long time, at least for the fantasy, years, and when they bring it back at start of DF since WoTLK, they allow us to play with it for a few months only.
Exorcism and Retribution aura is a must.
They cannot leave the game.
I don’t care what you think or your opinion. I don’t care if you don’t use it for PvE or PvP.
I don’t care if it’s not worth wasting talents points. I don’t care if it’s not a usefull/good spell/ability.
All I care is that Blizzard cannot remove the essence of Paladins, the Light or Retribution.
Take care


Because it was lame and didn’t fit into their rotation. That said it could easily fit the role of blade of wrath. So I think there should be a glyph to do that. To make BoW be exorcism. The sound effect is very nostalgic.

Ret aura, I’m not going to miss. Again, nostalgic sound. But the effect is lame. It doesn’t feel like it does anything. I’d have preferred they just turn it into something cool, but in lieu of that, I’m not sad to see it go.


Retribution aura was great back in the day, when it was a key part of gaining and holding aggro. But it’s been many years since that’s been true. It’s been a long time since I’ve used it, and periodically, I forget that it even exists.

Blizz will take it away, and then give it back, claiming that “we’re listening” :joy:.

They took moonkin form away from resto druid come TWW. Game is a joke.

What is so roleplaying about incentivizing players to intentionally take damage for a buff?

Good, I don’t care for yours.

Auras are pretty much a staple for Pallies , why are they removing them ?

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Wrong place then kid, these are forums.

Your opinion is bad.

No class should be bringing buffs that require you to take more than one copy of that class. Retribution aura being a totally separate raid buff from Devo is bad for the game.

Bring back old ret aura. If you have a superfluous ret/prot paladin, let the tanks have a little thorns as a treat.


I like the ideal of the paladins having auras but they feel kind of gimmicky. I would like to see them redesign to feel more impactful.


I’m still surprised that they never made a glyph to replace blade of justice with exorcism. It’s functionally the same spell.


For those that grew up watching Metzen Artwork on Warcraft 2 plus the exorcism spell sound effect, will understand.

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Dang, color me fooled.