Rethink Deserter Debuff

I was just kicked from a normal instance in War Within because I said that I haven’t tanked that particular dungeon yet and then was granted a deserter debuff.

I’m not even level 80 lol

It grants deserter debuff after a kick specifically because tanks and healers would zone into a dungeon they didn’t like, then sit on their hands and demand people kick them.


Well, seeing as folks would not tank/heal dungeons they didn’t want, demanding they be kick to avoid the debuff, I’m going to say no.

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Sorry. We know it sucks.

Run with friends! It’s better that way.


And if you don’t know anyone, run the dungeon with Followers, you’ll be able to get some experience tanking that way.


I am sorry, but Customer Support does not develop WoW or make WoW features. They have no say over the dungeon system or kick system.

If you wish to make a suggestion you will want to use the Edit pencil on your post to move it to General Discussion. Others can then also join you in discussing the topic. The drop down list in the edit window should let you change forums.

I will say the others are right, that the kick debuff exists because others in the past abused it. It is not perfect or ideal, but is the current lesser of evils.

If you don’t know a dungeon, it is best to run it in Follower mode so you can do it yourself - with AI followers. You get experience, take it at your pace, learn the pulls, learn the bosses, and learn the layout. You can toggle the followers to have them tank, or you can tank (the default).


Yeah, that’s probably the only option currently. Thanks for the response!

The way it is is the lesser of two evils. They tried not giving a deserter debuff for being kicked in Cataclysm. That resulted in tanks/healers holding dungeon groups hostage and demanding to be kicked when they didn’t get the dungeon they wanted. This caused the people being held hostage to have to use VTK and increase their cooldown time on it for a situation that wasn’t their doing. It got BAD, to the point where if you got into a certain dungeon you were standing at the entrance because the tank refused to move.

The solution they came up with is the only one that works in a way that’s equally fair/unfair to everyone. If you’ve got any better ideas, sure post them in the dungeons/raids forum, but in 14 years noone has come up with anything better than what we have.

EDIT: The post above was deleted, but leaving the explanation here.

The reason why the deserter debuff exists:

Tanks used to hold groups hostage by demanding they get kicked because they don’t like the selected dungeon. There was no debuff when kicked at the time, and the kicking group was put at the front for the next tank.

So, your group kicked the tank and are at the front of the queue. Another group kicks their tank, now THEY are at the front and you’re pushed back. Then another kicks their tank, and you both get pushed back.

This was what happened during Cataclysm. All tanks were queue hopping for a specific dungeon, and holding groups hostages until they kicked. With dozens of groups doing so, it ruined the run for the others, because there are never enough tanks, plus the kicked tank wouldn’t be added back.

Plus, no guarantee that your second tank wants that dungeons and they would do the exact same thing. AND the “credit” for kicking goes to the group, so their kick timers would get lengthened, not the tanks.

If you want to suggest an alternative system, it has to take all these things into consideration, which they never are.

I think this needs looked at again, from tanks holding groups hostage, to just bad tanks also holding groups hostage. Four times today: I’m guessing a new player or new tank hit the leveling dngs and was just not good, we all are learning so I understand.

Things go from bad to worse when the whole group leaves besides me and said tank, they then decided its ok to two person the boss . . .you know what happens. Group finally fills up, we get the boss down, and I didn’t want to suffer through the slog, so I loot and leave to be met with a debuff. I know why this was put in place, but 30 min is a bit too harsh. This feels similar to the no child left behind theory, sure we can’t leave people behind, but to punish the top end?

Ether way 1800 seconds of hmm was this a good idea Blizz or just a simple fix to stop people from farming bosses? Early prog problem that will soon phase once M+ Opens.

Yeah, the Deserter debuff isn’t fair when you’re kicked. People are just using it way too much now.

Possible solution: group activity. The same short timer that makes Brann feel unmotivated in delves could be applied to player actions. Essentially, as long as a tank is pulling, they can’t received the deserter buff if kicked. Now, we always have to think of a way to exploit this. If someone doesn’t want deserter buff but wants to be kicked, they could pull mobs to the group to get everyone else killed. But I think if everyone just zones out, the malicious player will get bored throwing away their repair bill.