Retcons and more humans

The Cult of the Forgotten Shadows was the only Horde specific Horde priest organization. Yet it was again a victim of the awful legion retcons and of course a HUMAN from Stormwind was appointed their leader because they are the best at everything or something. What is the point of this Blizzard? Why can’t the Horde have their own priest group too like the night elves have Elune? This is totally unfair and should not have happened.

Wasn’t Natalie Seline a core figure of the cult from the very beginning? At least that is what I am gathering as the cult and her were first directly mentioned in vol 4 of the Warcraft Mag. Which came out way before Legion did.

So nothing new here. More fake outrage from Erevien.


Not really that was a huge Retcon from Legion. Going by the old RPG sources they even formed the worship of Sylvanas as central figure.

RPG books are non-canon and you know that.

Also I never knew that the Warcraft Mags were Legion.

The RPG cult did not worship sylvanas at all. It was founded by reanimated priests of the Holy Light who were now lost and hurt that the Light had let this fate come to pass for them, and worse the Light seemed to actively reject them. So, they created the cult of the Forgotten Shadow using the tenants of the Light, but twisted into something egocentric and more aligned with the reality the undead find themselves facing.

It was noted to be popular with dark rangers, though. So there is that.


And then vol 4 of the Warcraft Mag came out and gave it a proper origin, which introduced Natalie Seline as the key figure. All Legion did was explain how and why she died. Where she was betrayed by her own followers. While also stating that most of her knowledge of the void came from Xal’atath. That also implies that her former followers may have been the first non-orc / ogre followers of the Twilights Hammer.

So Ereviens hatred towards Legion is strange. It should be at the Warcraft mags.

Vol 4 of WoW’s mag came out in 2011. Legion was 2016. So it is not a rise of the horde / TBC or Chronicles vol 1 / Legion thing where the release dates are so close together that they were most likely written at the same time.


Legion was the huge Alliance biased extra retcon that warped the whole plot in favor of all major races of the blue team and we could see that in every order hall minus the Earthen Ring.

It seems you have a hatred for Legion and are trying to make up any reason for that to be true. Even when you were proven to be wrong as to when this “retcon” happened, you remain on the dying hill that it was from Legion. Not something FIVE years prior.

“Person makes something up so they can be mad at the thing they made up” trope right here.


They change original lore to hamfist more human characters into Horde spaces. It is okay to be angry about such things.

It’s an odd twist but maybe Xal’atath could resolve Seline’s model? Certain the priest contains enough of Xal’atath’s power to be a target. :gun::robot:

Heh. :robot:

The Cult of Forgotten Shadows was mainly a Lordaeron thing created by Forsaken who believed that the Light had forsaken them as much as the Alliance itself had.

It never was a thing for the Horde’s breathing membership. Especially not the Orcs or Tauren.