Retconing Oydin in 10.2 or Fit Oyden As he is?

I knew One day Blizzard have to hit Oyden with villain bat, He grew on me he was bit my light in bleak future of Legion as I have deal with lot of Stuff that would enrage and make me quit game, if it was not for Oyden and Valarjar I would quit wow as it go full on deep night elf and not coming back with small legion pocket.

But now we come to this, yes I know Oyden is dick but… Still I like the guy and I Loath the idea of Siding with Helya in future.

Just please I asking blizzard don’t kill him off I want him understand hummmilty and have idea redemption path that fit him make him let go his pride.

But… if we are gonna cold blooded kill him Treat his death with Dignity. not like “oh he was mean so Screw him.”

I still remember good time as Battelord I all ready have kill friend sake of BFA: Blademaster Telaamon please don’t down play Oyden.


What do you mean? He’s been the villain since he was introduced.

Did you read any of the story we were given about him? The fact we helped him is the flabbergasting part.


I figured we’d eventually have to fight him.

Vyranoth: Alles? Enforcers and slaves, more likely.


:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Domineering, Self Righteous, Overconfident, Exploitative but he’s not evil. I think there’s room for a journey for his character.


Hey don’t worry dragons. I’m your friendly dk neighboor that might have killed a lot of you just so I could get a cool undead dragon mount. Totally not that bad guy Odyn.


Well,looks like my nightmare is coming, dang spiders Blizzard!

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oh no the humanity. they are using odyn like the norse counter part
Is Odin Good or Evil? Odin, the god of wisdom, death, battle magic, and more is neither entirely good nor is he fully evil in Norse mythology. Odin is a warmonger and as such a bringer of death on the battlefield. In contrast

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Idk why but the fact that the title doesn’t even misspell his name in the same way twice really grind my gears


So you like the guy who forced Helya (The powerful woman who helped Ra trap an Old God to save Azeroth) into becoming his Undead winged slave, who got so mad that he ripped off a portion of Ulduar to take his toys and create his own pocket of the afterlife to be worshipped?

But you hate the woman who was forced into undead winged slavery to bring “only the worthy” to him and who was banished to an eternity in what amounts to hell for trying to fight back against what he did to her?



Op,I don’t think we’ll kill him off, just like we did in the dungeon he’ll get to 80 percent health and stop the fight .He test everyone that way.

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Yea. I guess I can understand it if people’s only interaction with him was through the order hall without paying attention to the lore behind stuff. But…this dude has serious issues, enslaves people to serve him, condemns those that refuse, was almost willing to give a servant of the burning legion a pillar of creation… the list goes on. This guy ranks pretty high on the world of warcraft douchebag list I would reckon.


I relish the idea of bringing Helya Odyn’s head. Maybe it will make her simmer down.

But that’s what he is though.

Blizzard pleasantly surprised me with the way they treated fart cloud Arthas - I hope they do something similar to Odyn. Maybe throw hot sauce in his good eye, as he dies.


Odyn is a thinly veiled R word allegory. I don’t see how anyone can like him.


Because how the hell do you misspell it every time when you have the article right there?

Also, Odyn is not just a dick, he is a villain. He just happens to be a villain that hides behind honor and valor. I mean, have you ever read any of the quest dialog?


…He literally murdered helya, made her a slave and then covered it up. He also abandoned his duty to guard an old god prison because he was mad that the titans gave dragons some duties in the world as well. This guy has always been a villain.


But what are the p words at the b word going to do with r words when they can’t even accept the m words living in the t world?

Can we get a refund on the cheesy Marvel’s Thor themed warrior order hall while we’re retconning Odyn?


And that day was about five years ago, when we discovered that he transformed vrykul into val’kyr against their will, leading Helya to rebel against him.

Not to say that we should be on Helya’s side, of course. Her rebellion was righteous but gleefully entrapping the souls of an entire culture to feed them to the Jailer is a bit over the line.

Well, the Legion was invading, we weren’t about to turn down anyone’s help. See fig. 1, demon hunters.

“He’s not evil, he’s just evil”.


For a start I’d like to repair Helya’s sanity a tad. I’d love if we brought back Loken to life, free of old-god corruption – but still not a fan of Odyn to help us out.

I mean, at the very least it’d be fitting for us players to help Helya lock him back in Valajar and sacrifice several of his best warriors in a trap-ritual that brings Helya back to life & full glory.

On another topic, why the other Val’kyr like ‘Eyir’ help him and boost up Odyn’s actions like he was a pure-super-chad is beyond me. “Yeaaah!! Love this mansplainer forcing women to do his bidding then punishing & villifying them! He’s the best!” — Like what?

lol, the fact Eyir goes on a rant about how the champions of Azeroth having ‘No true honor or virtue!’ is rich coming from that lich in angel’s clothing.

Murderous tyrants always have their cheerleaders. Take Sylvanas for example, how many people on the forums still think she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread?