Retail UI Possibly Coming to Classic!

So apparently the 3.4.2 PTR is now using the Dragonflight client instead of Shadowlands which and in that client we have the Dragonflight Settings Window (which comes with a search function btw).

Given this, it’s very likely we could see the new Retail UI which for many people (myself included) no longer need to use UI addons like Bartender or ELV UI.

For those who don’t know the new Retail UI allows you to customize most of your on screen UI elements such as your map, action bars, raid frames etc.


big doubt. Not unless they keep an option to have the classic UI

We didn’t get the BfA UI when the client got updated to BfA during Classic. We’re definitely not getting Retail’s UI.

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There is no shot.

Thumbs down.


Some of the UI did get changed, such as the game menu and options items.

The main ui where you can move all your action bars and stuff has not been added.

I mean if they put in a toggle-able option for retail ui and/or graphics that only affect the player who turns it on and that’s the only person who can see the retail settings then what is the harm in it? As long as there is no gameplay change that gives one player an advantage over another then I still don’t see the problem with giving players options in a video game.

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It’s just not happening lol

I saw this on the ptr I hope o my word I hope the classic ui is trash And I say that is somebody that has literally played with the Classic ui From original vanilla to Dragon flight.

Yeah that’s right I never once got a ui addon I have to say I love dragonflights U. I it’s so difficult to go from that back to wrath And most people get ui addons But honestly if you’ve never messed with them there are pain in the butt to set up.

Especially if we want to talk about The auction house Say what you want but the retail auction house is just better I say blizzard please copy him paste the uI From dragon flight and put it in wrath please Please please please please Pretty pleased with a cherry on top.

Nobody plays classic for the ui Even people that say #No changes They’re normally not playing with the classic ui Hack even people that are playing on era Don’t use the classic ui.

So I again say please wizard please please please just copy and paste The ui you have four dragon flight And put it in wrath and while you’re at it ADD RDF AND Make it cross realm And cross faction.

There is no replacing the ButtonForge addon as it is very easy to use and locate action buttons anywhere and in any size…large…small…very cool :slight_smile: Also Clique is also very cool addon I don’t see the new ui replacing.

Don’t get me wrong I like the new client interface in dragonflight very much as I am and was a fan of the elvui UI for a very long time.

I was also a fan of the nUI addon interface…but now I’m dating myself back to 2008…damn :slight_smile:

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Fix for the Auction House in Wrath-Classic…use TradeSkillMaster :slight_smile:

I don’t really like the Dragonflight UI, the option to move stuff around is fine but everything was made so small baseline, I’d probably have to use a addon to fix it if it got hard copied to what Dragonflight uses.

Same. The lack of text size adjustment and chat window adjustments made me reinstall ElvUI.

Of course, but the inner workings of the retail AH allowing you to buy exactly what you want and stacks of 1 not being a thing anymore to slow down the system, would be better. Still would use TSM though :slight_smile:

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I do believe they added more with 10.1 for chat window adjustment I could be wrong.

Ya but it’s still a better baseline for the game. For some people they still prefer their addons and other like me we no longer need the addons.

Ya I’m more of a minimalist kind of person and prefer to see whats going on lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Ummm you do no you can Change the size of stuff right ? To any of the bars to any of the icons And change them from vertical to horizontal.

So ya You can do that with that With that ui so ya.

Maybe it changed but I was unable to adjust bag icon size, item icons and the chat tab text never seemed right despite messing around with letter size.

No I’m pretty sure you can adjust the size of that too in not Then that’s the only thing because every all the action bars you can just the size of Your many map you can adjust the size of Your reputation and experience bars.

Every single thing I saw you could adjust the size of I will admit the only thing I don’t mess with. Is the chat bars because well they’re fine for me but.

Even if that’s not the case right? It’s still way better than the default experience where you can adjust you know nothing On top of that just because they improve the default ui Nothing is stopping you from downloading and add on regardless.

But why not make the baseline experience you know usable at the very least

May as well at this point. WoTLKC is essentially a completely different game with an WoTLK flavour. It’s not much resembling what I remember WoTLK to be like.

The further the game moves away from the Classic Era no changes (well, not many) model the more this becomes an extended retail timewalk module. That’s not really a bad thing - Classic has kind of done its dash and is looking for reasons to stay relevant. But the whole thing was a tribute project - sort of has a built in redundancy and was never going to be “forever”.

Once the LK goes down I’ll be looking for the next big thing - probably not a wow derivative. Giving the remaining months of the game a modern clean interface - not exactly a bad thing.

No shot it happens.

The updated UI in retail has that option to my knowledge.