Retail RDF failing

That’s pretty stupid


This is pretty much how I use manual finder right now. I just queue up like RDF and wait until some brave soul invites me to a group. Offload that to a machine and add some stricter role rules, and call it a day.

Welcome back, you made it two months. A lot longer than I thought you would:


The fake “I am quitting over X” is always amusing. :slight_smile:

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No, no, no. Twiddling your thumbs in Dalaran waiting for a summon or flying afk to an instance portal adds so much to the game!!!

Come on, traveling to an instance portal is meaningless. It adds nothing to the game. In Wrath, anyway. Ask these people if they want to go to Alterac Valley every time they want to do an AV and see what they say. Having to do that lasted a whole month back in Vanilla.

Being able to teleport opens up the game so much and allows players to do so many other things. I spent so much of the last half of Wrath dong achievements. How? Because I had the freedom to travel anywhere and still queue for dungeons. I could experience all WoW had to offer. Without it it’s like handcuffing the players. Everything is a chore. As well as just the act of once you’re doing dungeons able to seamlessly do another one, and another one, and another one. It keeps groups together. People playing with other players. That’s kinda important. That is a GOOD convenience because it promotes social interaction. Wastes of time and making getting to the content a tedious process is just bad design.

The other aspect of being realm-only is the lesser of two evils. What Blizz would have to do is consolidate servers. Merge lower pop realms. If every server has a healthy pop it could work. But, again, I would ask people demanding that…“Ok, you want to go back to server-specific bgs too?” And suddenly they shift gears. Hell, Blizz took the ONE open world server-specific pvp content in Wrath and turned it into a cross-realm bg. So once again it just demonstrates this whole RDF situation is full of hypocritical nonsense. There’s no consistency to any of it.

Lastly, ‘Retail RDF’ holds no interest for me. It isn’t used at max level anyway. And without it there would be no dungeons being run throughout the leveling process (shockingly like what’s happened to Classic). And the OP can try to gaslight clueless players who didn’t play back in Wrath, but those of us who did know better. Their examples of toxic behavior are either grossly exaggerated or flat out made up. The lack of RDF promotes FAR more toxic behavior. Classic has proven that.

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