I haven’t played classic much because I stuck with retail but I am looking to play one of my favorite expansions again. In retail, I have gotten aotc each tier so I do have plenty of raiding experience even though I have not been raiding in classic tbc. I even raided some back when wotlk was current content.
I will not be available Tues/Thurs as those are my raid nights for retail but I am generally free on the evenings otherwise. As for raid philosophy, my goals are to clear the content consistently and I don’t care if it takes several weeks to get there. I’m a bit more laid back and have patience for players who are learning/gearing/struggling so long as they are putting in the effort and don’t have a personality that is toxic to the raid team. I do not expect week 1 clears, or close to it, on each raid tier.
I am currently leveling a druid and a priest and am not too picky about role I play. Although those are two classes that I am actively putting an effort into, I am not opposed to playing a different class that I enjoy for a fun group of people that I enjoy playing with.
If you think I could be a decent fit for your team or you would like to know more, please respond to this post or reach out to me. I can be contacted in the following ways:
bnet: meaniehead#1220
disc: meaniehead#7360