Currently playing retail, wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. BGB’ have gone downhill and it feels like most comps are either premades or riddled with bots
Is Cata PVP worth migrating over for? Would be on horde
Currently playing retail, wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. BGB’ have gone downhill and it feels like most comps are either premades or riddled with bots
Is Cata PVP worth migrating over for? Would be on horde
i just want play wow,
1.5gigs the other day
300mb 2 days ago
and now 300mb @ 5kb/s
Super Casuals becoming Ultra Casuals
Cata retail was one of my fav times in PvP but I couldn’t tell you what it’s like on Classic. I can tell you current retail PvP is trash in randoms.
You can’t premade BG Blitz and I highly doubt there’s bots in those games either.
Pretty sure Cata classic is dead. Even SoD is basically dead now.
It’s either retail or Anniversary realms. WPVP is decent on the classic realms, but not BGs.
Only healers can duo but that’s the extent of premades in blitz
Given this, sounds like retail is the only real option for BGs?
Depends on which patch of cata, there were some insanely imbalanced times. First it was casterclysm … then legendaries hit and yea you know how that goes. Idk what patch the classic servers are on so its hard to say. Retail Blitz bgs are about as good as it gets, plus its rated casual content so you get all the good rewards and don’t have to suffer through arena.
Retails your place to go for PvP. Cata classic is good for raid prog but not for PvP.
cata pvp is fun depending on what class you are
if i were you, i’d play a rogue and have fun one shotting people