[Retail] New Dungeons for M+ in Patches


One of the major things I thought was missing from this patch was a new dungeon or two. Back in the day, it was quite common to see new dungeons being added when a new raid tier came out, especially for the last raid of the expansion. All the way back to the Magister’s Terrace in the Burning Crusade, the Icecrown Dungeons and the Hour of Twilight dungeons did we see new dungeon content added.

In Mists of Pandaria, this ‘tradition’ ended, with no new dungeons being added to the game post-launch, this continued into Warlords of Draenor. I remember the reasoning at the time being given that it was not worth pouring resources into creating dungeons that only work to cannibalise the existing launch dungeons more than they already were, and funnel players into a smaller pool of dungeons when gearing up.

And that was a fairly reasonable justification at the time, but the situation has of course changed now. This was seen in Legion as Mythic+ came into the game, which, outside of the trendsetting Karazhan megadungeon, two other dungeons were added throughout the expansion in Cathedral of the Eternal Night and Seat of the Triumvirate. I do remember that both dungeons were relatively unpopular, but I think that was more to do with their difficulty being implanted into people’s minds from day one, versus the rest of the dungeon pool that people had been familiar with for nearly a year as these dungeons were released.

Since Battle for Azeroth, it seems the post-launch dungeon budget has been devoted entirely into the megadungeons. Whilst these are great, I do feel as if there are opportunities being missed especially now that we have a rotating dungeon pool each season.

I really hope that the negative experiences of Cathedral and Seat, which to me felt like they were primarily about difficulty as opposed to the concept of them existing, hasn’t turned the developers away from creating new non-megadungeon dungeon experiences.

The original 8 Dragonflight dungeons were stretched across the first two seasons, now in Season 3, six out of eight dungeons are old content tuned up. Although to be fair, Throne of the Tides received an extensive overhaul which changed a great deal about it.

I was initially sceptical about the dungeon rotation idea, although I have grown to quite enjoy a new pool each season, it seems like the perfect opportunity to invest more into Mythic+, both on the cosmetic reward side of things, as well as the actual content itself with new, fresh dungeons with each content patch.

What about DOTI, I hear you ask? Dawn of the Infinite feels like it was made as a storytelling megadungeon first, and then turned into two M+ dungeons afterwards. Whilst the dungeon has some fun encounters and difficult trash, it also suffers from what feels like ‘RP first’ design, which is fine in an M0 environment and I loved doing the dungeon when it was first launched in 10.1.5, it doesn’t translate well into M+ with the running between platforms, portals taking you to a platform, mount up, run 50 yards, go into the portal.

TL;DR - Please give us entirely new dungeons each season.

I’m keen to hear other people’s thoughts on this too.


Yeah, the amount of 50% nerfs both dungeons received before they were actually playable was… wild. Neither one was given a real chance by most people because they already locked in their opinions while getting destroyed by overtuned bosses/trash.

Agree completely. The amount of RP is reduced in M+, but there’s still way too much dead time where you’re just pressing W (or doing a running minigame that I don’t think has a place in M+). Having some dungeons just for story is fine. If they happen to fit into M+ as well, cool, but if not then don’t force it. Take a section that does work if there is one, or just leave it out of the M+ pool entirely. And then add separate normal-sized dungeons that are designed in a way that works for M+.

Regarding the reuse of old dungeons, I think it has generally worked well, and would like to see more. Especially if they get the Throne of the Tides treatment where the end result is a dungeon based on the original but with sections reworked where it makes sense. That treatment also opens the doors for even older dungeons to show up, because it’s no longer restricted to “take the old dungeon and make the numbers bigger” (which would be boring/frustrating with a lot of very old dungeons)


Hard agree. Some of the coolest memories I have from when I played this game early on in wrath and cataclysm were the new dungeons that we would get the explore with the patches! While we did get DOTI this expansion with a patch, I just didn’t enjoy it. It took way too long to be a “fun” dungeon, but my attention span has never been a fan of megadungeons so that’s just a personal issue.


While I greatly enjoy having old dungeons in the m+ rotation, I’d still be open to having 4 new dungeons each season (eight in x.0 split into two seasons and mega in x.1 + two new in x.2 for season 3).

The megadungeons are cool, but as many before me in this thread has pointed out, this one seemed to be more focused on story than becoming a m+ dungeon (which is great for story, not so great for m+).

I’m however looking forward to seeing which dungeons are coming in upcoming seasons, seeing as Throne of Tides was almost entirely remade for m+.

I’d also love to see the m+ updated dungeons moved over to out of season as well. Many of these are “better” versions (looking at you Temple of the Jade Serpent) and would be great to see them used after the season (some might even view it as a slow way to update all dungeons to “modern” standard).