Retail has really retconned so much in wow

Based on retail, we know theres demon hunters, death knights, flying, etc. But we see none of that in classic. Just because the pioneers rode horses didnt mean that cars would never exist in the future. Therefore, theres no reason why classic cant have everything retail has. Just because something hasnt come to pass doesnt mean it never will. Likewise, demon hunters would offer a solution to all the scardy cats who worry about fall damage. I think, keep the level cap at 60, but anything else in retail is fair game because its part of WoWs history and therefore should be allowed in classic.

I remember this line from a BlizzCon before Classic launched: “Vanilla means Vanilla, no changes. That’s what you want, that’s what were giving you.”



Are you nostalgic for classic cuz its before your girlfriend was ex and your streamer daughter still talked to you?


Stay away from the voodoo mon.

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I dont think it should be classic+, it should just be added to regular classic

I’d kill for a Classic + with Death Knights, maybe as a Horde-only class.

Keep Shaman and DK on Horde, keep Paladins on Alliance, and give Alliance another class, maybe Monks or DHs, something that already exists in retail, but a class that would make sense in Classic.

A Night Elf Demon Hunter would fit in Classic, in fact, it’s on the box art lol.

Classic is already a masterpiece, just give us ‘more of it’.

A Scarlet Crusade raid, Karazhan tuned for 60, and so-forth.

No cutesy, “heckin’ doggo” retail stuff that has no teeth or edge. All retail is, is cosmetics-chasing and it shows.

My class, Hunter, feels more mechanically complete in Classic than it does in retail.

We’ve got melee, a dead zone that encourages kiting, and pet happiness that needs to be maintained.

In retail, Hunters are even more braindead, and that’s repelled me from playing my favorite class. Well, what used to be my favorite.

DH’s in classic pvp…okay.

I guess one good point is it would change out preg meta. It have that going for it.

and even if left 1 to 60…it be all new warrior rants. I tire of the wrath ones. warriors ranting on not top of 1 to 60 (again), would be a cool benefit lol.