[Retail] Flightstones and their usefulness

As a player who does a decent amount of m+ (8-15 runs) as well as 1-1.5 full raid clear per reset, I’ve grown to dislike Flightstones and often question their usefulness overall in the current gearing system.

I’m constantly in need of more Flightstones for upgrades and not once, since the start of the season, has crests been the issue (unless I proceed into the next “tier”). Raids gives you 45 for the first 7 bosses and 70 for the last two, which totals 455. That’s enough Flightstones for one weapon upgrade or two upgrades on other items.

Timing a +20 with someone getting rating gives you 62+25, forcing you to do 2-3 m+ for one regular upgrade and five for one weapon upgrade.

Considering killing a raid boss gives you 15 crests and finishing a m+ in time gives you 12 crests, the amount of Flightstones you get for the same content is laughable. When this system was introduced, my understanding was that we were supposed to be drowning in Flightstones and not have to worry about them for upgrades? If that was the plan, something has gone terribly wrong along the way.


Flightstones feel like a confused addition to an otherwise fairly solid upgrade system.

In their current state they come across as a slightly annoying barrier when you have already conquered the initial barrier of doing increasingly difficult content to get increasingly useful crests. These crests are, to my understanding, supposed to be the ‘wall’ of the upgrade system.

I suppose there’s the argument that you only need crests once per item slot, you upgrade your trinkets for example to the maximum possible and then if you want to upgrade your off-spec items for healing or whatever else, you use flightstones, at a discounted rate, only. But does that additional minor friction need to exist? Is that adding anything? Is it making it more fun? The ‘friction’ is already present in having that offspec trinket to even drop in the first place, you’ve already invested your crests into upgrading that specific slot. Considering crests are still fairly sparse until a little bit into the season and you will always have to play the content to earn them, are crests not enough of a reward?

Flightstones feel like they exist because they needed a ‘reward’ to give to people as a consolation prize or to give world content a reason to be done by people who have very little interest in it to begin with.

TL;DR - Why?


I concur with the opinions in this thread, flightstones feel like the chain I am dragging around where I need to do content irrelevant and trivial for me to upgrade gear. I think crests are a strong enough model to be solid without the additional flightstone system


It would be nice to be able to breakdown crests into more flightstones tbh. I don’t mind the system it’s just that there’s little availability to grind it proactively since the rate is comparable to finding spare change on the ground.

The only difference is that they’re shiny rocks.