[Retail] Ability to Disable Player Visual Effects

So one of the things I struggle with when doing group content is the amount of flashy things that go off doing open world content in big groups, in dungeons, and in raids. With the disability I have I lose the ability to process what is happening on my screen when it’s flooded with everyone’s ability effects going off all around me. I always have to have someone run with me and be in voice chat so I can be called back into focus to move out of something or have a count down to when I need to use a certain raid given ability. A couple other MMO’s I’ve played have given the players the ability to turn off player effects in settings.

The DBM addon is helpful in some cases but with DBM warnings showing up on screen with all the flashy effects going on it is very easy for me to miss DBM’s announcement that I need to dodge something or prepare for an incoming attack. Even the voice is too soft at times so I require a friend to keep me alert.

Could we potentially get the ability to disable player effects? I’d also appreciate the ability to make the in game pointer mouse bigger because I tend to lose that as well when there’s a lot happening on the screen.


I received a piece of in game mail while I was on hiatus saying this is already possible so I tried their suggestion and it didn’t change anything. I tested the suggested options on Superbloom and I still got blinded and disoriented by the tons of spell animations that fired off. I play zoomed out as far as I can and all the spell/ability animations playing all at once disorients me and I forget what I’m doing or what keys I’m supposed to press or I can’t even find my mouse cursor.

The idea is to completely turn off the graphics of player spells and player effects everywhere, not just while grouped up.