Ret vs Warrior

*Sound and logical advice, and much more experienced and achieved than you.

Hardstuck combatants say the darnedest things.

You can keep posting but you can’t provide video of you beating good rets 1v1. You are an embarrassment, muting thread. Thanks for the laughs.

Before you go, or rather are made gone, would you care to share your vacation plans?


Because I don’t need to provide anything for you. I gave advice on how to beat them. Now you’re still here, showing everyone you’re incapable of beating them even after I just told you how. That’s your problem, not mine.

Calling me inexperienced? Cute coming from a Rogue. I never said its impossible, iv done it many times, in fact i have a Youtube video of me beating a Ret and Mage together at the same time as Arms.

Forgive the noobish Video editing, i am no editor.

Its not easy, in general speaking, a good Ret will beat a good warrior majority of the time.

Not sure what connection you’re trying to make about experience and me playing rogue. Literally irrelevant. I’ve mained warrior since the release of the game however, the only reason I post on my rogue is because I quit shortly after 8.2 and when I came back a few months ago, I was playing my rogue alot and so I started posting on my rogue. Since then I’ve picked my warrior back up again heavily but since I had already began posting on my rogue I saw no reason to switch.

As for the video, you linked me a clip from WoD. Not only is it outdated and irrelevant to the current argument, from what I can tell you outgeared both of your opponents, used a potion, and were fighting possibly the 2 worst players in your battlegroup. The mage blinked before nova’ing which is a single digit IQ thing to do against a warrior, and only used slow on you twice, and both times were while you weren’t even attacking him which is also just terrible. The paladin also used LoH instead of bubbling at the start.

I’m not saying you’re bad. That’s actually a cool clip. It always feels good winning a 2v1 as a warrior. I just don’t know if I would link that clip as a display of skill or experience, especially being 2 expansions old.


It’s a matchup where you have to outplay them.

Its definitely possible, but it’s an uphill battle. Well at least as arms.

Fury has a better chance. Really comes down to using your toolkit effectively (obviously but it’s something you should about).

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To be fair, i can only talk to what i see, and i see a Rogue, i now believe you roll a Warrior as you stated afterwards however how was anyone suppose to know that before? I cannot assume everyone speaks the truth on these forums.

i am only basing my reply off what you said.

The video i linked was to prove its not impossible to beat a Paladin, doesn’t matter on the Expansion, as Warriors and Paladins have always been one sided fights. So i agree with you their, its not impossible, however i think we both agree that if a good Paladin vs a good Warrior the outcome will be heavily favored against the Warrior.

I don’t know the players in the video, i cannot talk about there skill levels however your points are true, they made a lot of errors hence the outcome.

Thanks, i posted a few videos before my video option went bust. I don’t do videos anymore so its hard to get a clip of current WoW, maybe next Xpac ill get into it again.

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I don’t often PvP but this is gonna be handy.

My take on facing ret pallys is to waste their wings and bail on bubbles. They usually pop wings early, most as their opener, so I start with a stun. As soon as the stun is gone I’ll disarm them and when thats done I fear them. They sometimes trink in the middle of the wing-lock(?); I just move on to the next ability. They usually bubble out of desperation since the wings are almost over, that’s when I heroic leap and play keep away. They reset at this point so thats where its time to pump out your rotation. If they have LOH then best of luck to you!

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Pretty ironic coming from a BFA duelist no?

This is the truth. Shadowlands, on the other hand, may be a different story.

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Duelist > combatant, yeah?

At least a duelist has a slight idea what he might be talking about.

Besides I’ve never actually made a gladiator push, because I’ve never had an actual team.

I made duelist with LFGs and limited playing time.

It’s not actually the truth, though. The dude was actually pretty wrong about everything.

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Odd question - do you know the song you used in the video?

Hey Khirmana,
I believe i used a default theme from Youtube… however i cannot remember the name of it

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Hey man, you might want to settle down.

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As of right now, yeah that’s correct. If you took a 475 2800 paladin and had them duel a 475 2800 warrior then it will always result in the paladin winning. These morons claiming otherwise have no idea what it’s like to play as a pal and fight a warr and vice versa so that’s why they think it’s possible, that or they duel people that have 200k less health than them and then claim it’s possible.

Might just be possible though when SL comes because were getting shattering throw back.

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Hey ‘moron’ maybe pay freakin’ attention and realize that literally no one in this thread is a 2800 anything asking about how to beat a 2800 anything. I assure you the 2800 warriors aren’t whining on the forums about how they can’t beat Rets.

The OP is asking about encountering rets in freaking battlegrounds, and I assume World PVP as well. Yes, you as a warrior can most of those encounters unless additional players intervene, and if you don’t, you’re either outgeared or outplayed.

So shut up, reread the thread a few times, be sure to think a little harder before you say anything else, and maybe act like an adult and avoid the insults next time.


Why do people need to act this way? I understand there is a misunderstanding but why act this way? is it because it’s online and you are safe behind a computer screen?


Step 1: Observe the ‘quotations’ around it when I use it.
Step 2: Read the post I am responding to.
Step 3: Apologize to me.
Step 4: Quote and reply to said post with largely the same message.