Ret stat goal?

So we’re stacking mastery now…. I’m assuming we should at least be at like 91ish % to guarantee the extra damage? Or have I gone too far lol?

Im right there with you, Im stacking ful mast. Dont hold your breath though its going to get nerfed but atleast 30%

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I doubt that. We’re doing okay but it’s not like we’re topping damage meters.

im just having fun while it lasts lol.

Mastery is siming 30% higher than strength for me, so yeah, you are probably right on the mark.

Been stacking mastery then crit the whole time

It’s weird to not see Strength at the top.

Critical Strike    3.43
Haste              2.78
Versatility        2.63
Strength           1.85
Mastery            1.82
Weapon DPS         10.81
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Y’all have to keep in mind that we’re at the end of an expansion and stats have scaled to silly levels. All stat balance needs to be done with early expansion levels of stats in mind.

If they balance stats to work right now then they will have to do it again in a month.

How do your stats even look %wise in-game for you to have those weights? lol
Seems like no-crit at all but everything into mastery, which is lowering your overall dps. :joy:

Crit 31%
Haste 33%
Mastery 63%
Vers 36%

Yeah, you’d definitely do more dps if you cut out some mastery and put more crit on, even haste and vers. :sweat_smile:

It also factors in the diminishing returns of a stat, it starts at 35%, after 35% a stat is 10% less effective, and then lowers effectiveness further up you go.

I’m not sweating it out over 3-5% more dps at this point in the patch.

I could replace some gems/verse enchants but :woman_shrugging:

Sure sure, just saying… i personally prefer haste, it has faster gameplay, but if you like big numbers on the screen, your choice. :laughing:

I get it. You’re trying to be helpful. I appreciate it. The Paladin forums need more people who are helpful rather than curmudgeons like me.

But I resimmed everything and it does advise me to replace everything with crit/haste but it’s only 1600 dps difference to what I’m wearing now. You’'re totally right, I would get more dps.

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How are you simming? Raidbots has been broken for me since the patch…

That’s the thing. I haven’t really simmed since the pre-patch dropped because Raidbots has a giant warning on top. I also assume Hero Talents and more changes down the pipeline will keep things unpredictable in terms of stat weights. I don’t feel it’s worth it to try re-gear constantly until TWW launches if there’s any more pre-patch changes.

Alright, i see… i thought there may have been a way to sim now. :sweat_smile:

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I’ve been looking at a few YouTube videos concerning ret and actually suggested getting Mastery up to 90% so that you can proc Highlord’s Judgement 100%. (Highlord’s Judgement is pretty damn powerful)

Mastery now easily trumps Haste and Crit.

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mastery haste vers then crit imo for PVP

You def don’t know what you’re talking about.l, and im assuming you don’t realize the new changes. I’m sitting at 88% mastery(with 2 blue silken lining bonuses), which give a 98.8% chance to do an extra 75k PER judgement. One look at raid gear lets me know we won’t be getting the type of stats we have now. The importance of mastery has gone up immensely, even eclipsing strength. Why wouldn’t you hit the 100% cap while still sitting at 6,500ish (42%) haste? It’s silly the damage that I’m putting out now, compared to before pre patch.