Ret pvp talent Hallowed Ground doesn't dispel or immune snares when using Divine Hammer (replaces Consecration)

it should work regardless when a lot of other spells still get affected by modifying talents when their original spell was replaced.

the pvp talent doesn’t remove or dispel snares when using Divine Hammer (replacement of Consecration)

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Shh! You’re going to get us nerfed. The evil wizard cabal isn’t complaining about hallowed ground yet. If blizzard nerfs it we’ll only have 2 pvp talents left…

this is still the case for some reason. Idk why.

Why are you using Divine hammer in the first place in pvp…

The biggest question here is why we are necromancing threads.


“How dare you defile this sacred paladin forum with your foul necromancy! Paladins! Let us purge this evil with thine holy hammers!”