What’s the stat priority for Ret in pvp?
I’m not a huge pvper, but I’m pretty certain it would be item level>versatility>mastery. After that haste and crit should be about the same and lean more towards preference.
I think it also depends on the hero spec as well, herald has a few crit only procs so specifically for that crit would have higher value. (Even more if you have heart of the crusader talented)
Just get as much vers and mast as you can.
Thank you all
Pure versatility and mastery. No other stat gets high enough to matter not even with endgame gear. We are losing4% haste next patch but we also have some tierpieces with haste so not a huge isue
Bunch of fools in here. You want to stack mastery. Vers will come with the PvP gear so no need to think about it.
Any piece that you can craft put in the Vers/Mast missive so you can add more Mastery, the real stat prio is Mas>Vers>Crit
Who are you talking to. Ofcourse he wants versatility because 4 pieces will be tier and based on which ones have vers or mastery … the pieces will be chest head shoulder and either hand or legs. And the one offpiece will be… vers mastery crafted or conquest