I dont think youve ever played sod. Think you are talking about retail!
Can not stress this because people dont realize ret pallys are performing the worst dpsing wise than all other classes besides frost mage theyre not needed cause they have burst every 4 seconds where a boomkin or shaman can crit 4k plus instantly almost too
Yea it is a shame they did not put rets into Wrath Classic the way they were in original Wrath. They gave us some lame costume patch 3.4 balance patch that never existent in original WoTLK. Shamans they made to be the most OP in this version of Wrath for Classic Wrath which simply was not the case last time around.
That’s how I felt about dk in classic lk and why I’m hesitant on playing classic mop… When they gutted ww removing spinning fire blossom(instead of removing the rune being abused) and removed healing orbs and changed the mastery it made me quit wow entirely unsil SL then quit immediately after hitting max lvl and didn’t play again till sod