Ret pallys need a change for naxx dps

You got 2 ways to DPS going into naxx seal twisting or exodin and I’m sorry to say exodin gonna take off for naxx, ZG 5 set making exo need 2 crits to reset instead of 4 seconds and do 50% more damage gonna bring back sunken temple level of EXO spam with AQ set adding damage to every auto exo gonna be doing 5k plus every auto and always crit plus twins sword(sadly yet to drop once for my guild) gonna be good DPS for pallys. Now as for seal twisting is gonna be good but you’ll use tier 1, 6 piece and would need to run 4 set judge always for it to work well,6 seconds between seals and double judges that don’t consume seals every 3 seconds will pump and work well with the slow weapons. With these 2 ways to play how will naxx gear ever be worth it??? Especially with what bonuses so far that’s been leaked

trade bubble for 15% more dps and you have a deal.

I would trade bubble for a 100% raw damage increase + Anti Magic Shield, thats the deal :wink:

We all love horde tears.

no deal, you will heal or you will stay in ironforge.

Let me get this straight here - you’re complaining that old gear you already have is going to be “too good” in the phase?

Wow… Ret paladin brain is next level… I wish I had that problem.

Yeah I’d do that in a heart beat get rid of immune 5 minute CD for 15% damage

It’s clear that exo is the way to go for naxx and t3, but with 4pc t2.5, 4 pc draconic and t1 6c on the shoulder will be a pretty scarry setup for slow weapons.

Did anyone that played SoD any time during P1-6 think paladins wouldn’t be massive exobots in Naxx?