Ret pally nerfs

going live tonight:


It’s been live for awhile, still so crazy damage.

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Oh they did a restart already?

Yeah they still have a lot of talents that work too well with one another. The redesign should have been held off for awhile longer while they situate the spec.


Went live straight away, I noticed it during a bg when someone didn’t instant die.

Doesn’t matter they still die pretty damn fast

Honestly they should have just held back the changes for 10.1 and did more testing/mechanic iteration


Ret still viable. but it will stop the fotm rerollers

No it won’t, spec is great still


Yes it will lol, i already know 2 that moved on to something else lol. post on your main loser

The amount of people that have asked this today is crazy!

I mean my main from 2 weeks ago or the one that I don’t play atm :joy:

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