Ret Pally looking for active/social Guild

Hey there,

I’ve been playing the game since halfway through BFA, not a super long time. In my time playing WoW, I’ve mostly done it solo, getting achievements, running old content for Tmog, and leveling new toons. I’ve reached a point where I really want to embrace the social aspects of this game with endgame PvP, Dungeons, Raids, etc. Looking for a guild that’s willing to show me the ropes of the endgame/gearing as well as just be a social atmosphere where people are there to enjoy the game and each other’s company. Currently iLvl 182 Ret on Whisperwind Horde, willing to transfer Realms if it seems like a good fit. Feel like there is a lot I can still learn and enjoy about the game, looking for a guild to get me there!

Bnet: Stronghammer#1464
Discord: Stronghammer#2478

Thanks for reading

Hey Stronghammer, I sent you a discord request! Would love to chat with you!

Hey there friend!

I am in a unique position to have a good fit for someone like you. We are a legacy guild who have just started coming back to the game in the last few months, and are putting together our core, and family, to start doing a lot of the things you are asking about. I think we could be a great fit for your position. Here is a link to my recruiting thread. Take a look, and if it feels like a good fit, get at me on Discord, or Battlenet?

Sent you a Discord friend request!

Hefty of Area 52 is looking for a few more dps and one Holy Paladin to bolster our team as we prepare to move into mythic. Currently 10/10H, we raid Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST. We are a semi casual adult only (21+) guild, and most of us are in our 30’s-40’s. Outside of raids, our members enjoy doing M+, pvp, transmog runs, and leveling alts. If you’d like more information, please add me in game at Rawrabear#1450 or on discord at Fenrisulv#4433.

Hey Strong,

Reformation is an Alliance guild on the Shadow Council server node. We’re a social guild that does a bit of everything and works with new people in a supportive environment so that they can enjoy the game. My BNet tag is in the general guild post below. Add me if you’d like to chat and find out more. Hope you find a home that works for you.

Are you looking to add a social aspect to your gaming time? Want to run dungeons and learn to raid? Reformation is a family friendly guild that enjoys social raiding and mythics. We work with players to help them build their skills so that they can enjoy their WoW time in a friendly environment. Our goal is to have fun in a friendly environment. If raiding isn’t your thing and you’re just looking for a friendly home with a chatty group of people, there’s no pressure to do things that you don’t want to. We provide the opportunity, you provide the desire.

We are an Alliance guild based on the Shadow Council server node (SC, BWR, SoE, CC). Current progression in CN is 10/10N, 3/10H. We run a variety of keys and have people that collect pets, mounts, mogs and achievements.

While we are accepting all classes, specs and playstyles, we are prioritizing the following roles for teams:

M Dungeon and Raid Heals
M Dungeon Tanks, off spec DPS for raiding
Ranged DPS

We raid one night per WoW week for 2 hours.

Raid Team 1: Every second Sunday and Thursday from 6-8 server time (8-10 eastern).
Raid Team 2: Wednesdays from 9-11 server time (11-1 eastern, 8-10 pacific).

Reformation is listed on WoWProgress and GuildsofWoW.

If you would like to know more about Reformation, you can contact me through BNet at Samvimes #11432 or ask anybody in the guild to speak with Sam or Cuda in game.
