Ret pally is broke

not an argument is a fact. was just in battleground blitz and a pally hit once for 326k then again for 346k. how in the world is a pally doing over quarter million damage when I am in max gear for season with max vers? shouldn’t be possible. nothing like two button no skill class acting like are great. fix this


Did he have zerker? And he had to push more than 2 buttons because his damage wouldn’t stack without first pressing judge and wings and trinket, and he would also need hopo to be able to hit tv. Honestly need more information.


sure they pressed more than two buttons, but it was two moves totally crushing everyone who tried to duel him even 3 on 1. point is they shouldnt be doing anywhere near that amount of damage zerking or not. a sniper shot from hunter doesnt do that much damage. math

Pally is definitely gotta be running with the Leggo Fyrakk Axe for that kind of burst dmg along with burst trinkets. Pallies are fine too to be honest. I think the dude is just upset they didnt give any love to the Warriors.

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This reminds me… I need to level my paladin to 70.


Umm , so I main ret and alt marksman and I can do way more burst and sustained with marksman. I can literally press 2 buttons on marks and do 50-75% of your hp.


Also you have to understand that pallies won’t be using 4 piece and most won’t even use 2 piece, so when you get 4 set you’ll catch up a bit to their damage.

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so my observations are moot and must be wrong because fernous says so. got it. stop replying to all my posts with lame replies/info.

I’m trying to help you, not my fault you have problems with ret. Sheesh some people’s children I swear!!!

They broke paladins when they allowed them to use attack abilities while bubbled, used to only be for heals or hearthing


It’s always the warrior crying about paladin and claiming it’s “easy mode” just go back to fortnite bud.

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LOL sniper shot hits for over 800k wtf are u on about?


When are they fixing Sniper Shot? It says 20% of max health, but it hits much, much harder than that. I got hit with:

16:15:18> [Crooklinn-Lightning’sBlade] Sniper Shot hit [You] 368,377 Physical. (162,978 Overkill)
[You died.]

That is 531k damage. At 55 yards.



And that is damage taken after it was reduced by your defensives and your Vers. Imagine if you had no Vers damage reduction.


Where there is a MM post there id Deckarcain lol.

I tend to give paladin priest wings and Pi when they are going off so it is possible that her had zerker, trinket and other buffs from his team. Attacking from bubble is a little much.


Attacking during Bubble/BoP is about all Ret gets to do with hunters(and mages) roaming around.

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Were you stunned?

Shhhhhhhhh dont let anyone know, but on the real you can line of sight an entire marksman burst.

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Marksman hunters are the true wizards. They shoot from 60+ yards away through trees, mountains, and ground.

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Sure let me know where in the midfield that exists on pretty much every BG map I can Los the Hunter nuking me from max range?

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