Ret Paladins?

On pr*vate servers which had a functioning to vanilla like Reckoning talent the meta for most pvp paladins was to spec 25/26/0 and go around healing with a 1h/shield and do their support stuff until they got hunter pet or rogue aggro to build up reck stacks then momentarily switch to a 2H damage proc weapon with lifestealing enchant and Seal of Righteousness which could proc other procs.
This type of forbidden art is probably why Blizzard adjusted Reckoning to their ‘reference’ client. :see_no_evil:

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why is a ret paladin being willing to take over healing while the healer is afk a problem?

how dare they use their toolkit to its maximum potential?


I mean… if you play it, it really is (isn’t it?) for choosing to play a spec that was “designed wrong.”

Though, I don’t believe in specs in Classic. There are Classes, and talent builds. Some Classes are better suited for some roles in some group content over other Class builds.

But, it’s also probably worth separating the beer league players from the MLB tryouts.

Personally, I am not trying to be the number 1 (whatever my class is) in WoW, player. I’m not trying to make a career out of it. I play it for fun. Very much like a beer league baseball team.

Would I be happy with Boomkins and Shadowpriests in my raid? Absolutely. We actually have both. If the guild I choose to run raids with was Alliance, I’m sure we’d have DPS paladins.

But let’s not pretend that DPSing as a Paladin is a good investment for the individual or the group that supports it. It’s a bit of a douche move by the individual, asking for a group to carry them.


But boomkins are fine.

Check your cognitive dissonance there, bro :stuck_out_tongue:

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Same thing.

It’s a bit of a douche move. You’re literally rolling on gear that a different class could use to allow your group to move forward more efficiently.

I may not have wording that well. I can understand why you’d state this.

I don’t roll on gear.

So your whole argument goes out the window :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides which, this is all bullsh!t anyway.

If we can clear visc with 32 guys… do we need to min/max?


It doesn’t.

It also doesn’t make clear why someone would choose to handicap themselves.


But, more importantly, why they would assert that handicap over others.

Not at all, but my preference of playing a naked mage and rolling on all gear, because I need it for my DE spec is just as viable as any other meme spec.

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What are you talking about?

Like, seriously, the content is SO easy that none of this matters.

At all.

If people are able to roflstomp the raid content without even having a full raid, then in what way, ANY way, are meme specs a handicap?


I suppose what I am talking about is forcing one’s preferences upon others and taking advantage of them… by playing in an irresponsible manner.

What are you talking about?

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Ok. Let me break it down.

The raid content is SO easy that people are able to do it with 20-30 people, depending on guild.

This runs all the way up to the hardest bosses in the latest tier.


Any meme specs added to the raid beyond that point are actually only purely beneficial, and cannot be perceived as any form of disadvantage.

If your guild can clear c’thun with 30 guys, then ten extra ret paladins and/or boomkins, arcane mages, whatever

Can only be a benefit.

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I mean…

Not 30 ret paladins…

That’s a deficit. A BiS Ret Pally doesn’t really stack up to a “not quite” pre-bis DPS Warrior" in terms of dps.

So, sure, a decent comp with 25 players can clear content. Sure, they could carry 15 meme specs, but those meme specs that are also rolling on BiS gear are (in that scenario at least), literally leeches.

No, you’re being dishonest.

Nobody said 30 ret paladins, and you’re lying if you call meme specs pure leeches.

We do not do zero nor negative dps.

A ret paladin in AQ will usually be doing about 300-500 dps, depending on gear, skill, consumables, etc.

Also, use dkp man.

If the raid comp already can clear the boss with several spots left open, adding ret paladins, enhancement shaman, etc. CANNOT be negative.

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How so? Let’s dive into this… because I feel this is a ridiculous claim.

I did.

^ That’s my quote, and it is is direct response to what you said:

To which I replied that those 20 to 30 people were NOT ret paladins.

No. So granted having a Paladin that is taking a DPS role is better (DPS wise) that having nobody.

It isn’t better than having a decent DPS role though, and is worse than nobody for the DPS roles that may lose out to rolls on gear.

1 DPS warrior in blues could maybe compare to 3 DPS paladins in BiS.

This is an interesting point. Butts in seats is the better optimization than performing well.

And, YES! This can definitely be true! Beer league baseball doesn’t really care about winning, but cares about having fun, and being together. Whereas MLB teams care about winning.

We don’t have to disparage MLB teams for not accepting beer league players, and we certainly do not have to disparage beer leagues for not qualifying to face MLB teams.


That’s not correct. I understand that warriors are much better dps than any ret paladin.

But one in blues is not going to outdo 3 ret paladins in current epic bis.

That’s mindlessly idiotic.

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That’s my response to:

No, seriously.

That’s a patently ridiculous claim.

If you honestly think a warrior in blues is going to outdps 3 ret paladins in aq gear then I can do little for you.

That would not be true for ANY class or spec comparison.



Could you point me towards something that would show me otherwise?

Are warriors in dungeon blues capable of doing over 1500+ dps?

I think that’s awfully generous.

Current fully aq40 geared ret paladins are doing around 650 dps, up to 800 if they’re super tryhard, world buffs, flasks, food, all that.

Warriors in blues can NOT deal 1500-2k dps.

They just can’t.

Shall we just compare our own logs, and gear?

What is the point of contention? I’m suggesting that a DPS paladin is a waste of gear and a spot in a raid, over another class that could do a better job in that DPS spot, particularly a warrior.


We could maybe set some criteria (rules) and analyze data…

What do we care about?

What do we want to prove?


That is not in question.

Maybe you play on a megaserver or something.

Most guilds I know are having a little bit of trouble filling everything out these days.

Nobody has once argued that a ret paladin should be taken OVER anything else (or a boomkin, or shadow priest, or enhancement shaman).

THAT IS NOT THE POINT, and you’re talking past it.

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