Ret paladin

Is ret any good in bgs, arenas, SS, etc? How about wpvp

I’m not too sure about bgs, but ret is solid in all forms of arena, and very strong in world PvP, particularly with herald of the sun.

Ok actually it’s pretty bad in 2s, but that’s just cause it doesn’t have a healing reduction.

Its great in blitz, just do off carts/base sit/spin.

its pretty mid in shuffle/arena

Its alright in bgs, saccing the fc and bopimg the healer is always good. If you get focused you have to blow immunities otherwise you die.

Your walls are trash and you should avoid 1v1s. There is some kill potential on fcers at high stacks because of hammer of light but wuth the amount of knockbacks in the game you get peeled off easily.

For some reason people ask rets to sit bases, dont do that. All your utility gets wasted guardin a node you should go with the big blob of people or maybe roam between bases

Ret is a S tier 1v1er lol, im guessing you play templar. I’m not super high rated im 2500, but yeah i sit the hell out of bases and hold them down like a seal team.

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Idk who are you 1v1ing but its no s tier 1v1. Blowing all cds and then having nothing for the second attack is not being s tier

You are wasting away your support sitting a base cant sac boo freedom sanc anyone. Do what you want I dont care.

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They are the best plate caster in the game, throwing hammers from across the screen, running you down with horses, making you unconscious with a giant hammer, twirling and dancing around you with their 10 ft long swords.

Its got everything except a healing debuff.

Lol… im not trying to insult you man, I hope you receive this well. But thats a you problem, the class performs very well in 1v1 vs all classes. Theres not a single class I can think of where its a instant lose condition for me.


Christtel is absolutely fried no point trying to talk to them


Don’t mind Christtel they suddenly discovered in 10.0.7 that they were super good at Ret (surely not just the spec) and has been seething about nerfs ever since because 10.0.7 was the only balanced form of ret.


I never said instant loss and no Im not the problem. It seems you cant read. Oh well

Another bot commenting on stuff he doesnt know

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That version of ret was super underrepresented and really required tons of skill to pull off.

nature is beautiful

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Low blow?

I’ll show you a low blow