Ret paladin viability

ya sounds good but get rid of one of those druid healers and the ret paladins and replace them all with real dps and you will kill stuff allot faster. You can probably get rid of one of those priest as well. You are way lopsided on healing.

Well it wasnt because of their damage it was more because of their ability to survive in pvp. Its the same for holy paladins. Both are just really annoying to fight cause they can soak so much damage and dispel almost everything you put on them. Their dps isnt that great ret a little better than holy. I mean in the same amount of time it would take to kill a paladin you can kill 4 to 5 other people. Paladins are just a wast of time to fight.

This isn’t D&D. The healing you toss out in those “oh ship” situations is meaningless. Cleansing raid debuffs 5 seconds faster than they would have been without you doing them is meaningless.

What about “the most efficient way to kill something is to ignore as many mechanics as possible and pump as much DPS as possible” don’t you get?

“But it’s not about the most efficient!”
-Every raid that progresses nothing ever

The game can be boiled down to hard numbers at every turn and it should. “Intangibles” is what bad players tell themselves when they don’t deliver the actual performance needed. Raids are planned dance routines to be executed like a machine. The closer to perfect the better and the more admirable.

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You would never waste resources on making a Nightfall for a ret paladin; they’re best in the hands of OT warriors that can spam Hamstring to proc it.

nope, sorry friend - unlike you, we actually ran the numbers…

Thank you some had to say it

Just a hater admit it

SoR is more consistent. You need to rely on procs for Command. The burst is wonderful, but I’ve gone stretches where I’d get almost no procs, and killing stuff took forever. If you’re not amped on burst damage, just use SoR. But, that’s just my opinion.

don’t necro a nearly 3 year old post. ret paladins are not viable in SoM. even wiht wisdom judged and full consumes you do not have the mana to be able to judge on cooldown for the length of any of the new fights

I didn’t look at the date. Somehow, it popped up, so I replied.

Regardless - ret is really fun.

look at warcraftlogs and see what the top guilds were doing in p1 under the no world buffs tab

Ret was not viable in classic and is def not viable in SoM. Rets in classic were just carried by their raid.

Yeah, ret is trash.

Ret > most things.

As long as you can buff. Your cool in my book

Lol, everyone gets salve.

Based on what I’ve read, Nightfall isn’t even good.